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Reroll Tower of Fantasy: How to reroll your first SSR character?

Reroll Tower of Fantasy: How to reroll your first SSR character?

Want to get your dream SSR weapon and Simulacrum to go with it? Here's how to reroll your first ultra rare character on Tower of Fantasy.

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Tower of Fantasy has just been released and it's time for you to get your first ultra rare character in the game! As a gacha, ToF works like Genshin Impact, for example, and so it's possible to summon SR or SSR rarity weapons. Here's when you can do it and how.

Reroll Tower of Fantasy: Overview

Currently, there are 3 banners on Tower of Fantasy. The Permanent Banner (Gold Cores), Common Weapons Banner (Black Cores), and Temporary Event Banner (Red Cores). If you have pre-registered for ToF, you will get a slew of Golden Nucleus and therefore be able to summon the permanent banner very quickly.

Note that a special hidden pity is activated for all new players: you will necessarily get your first SSR after 30 summons! (instead of 80 the rest of the time). The objective of the reroll is therefore to collect your 30 golden Nuclei, to skip the introduction of the game and to invoke on the permanent banner in order to obtain the SSR of your choice.

After how long can we reroll?

If you want to follow the scenario a bit and take the time to create your character the first time, you should count a good thirty minutes before you can access the summoning banners. Otherwise, you can quickly skip the dialogues and get to them in just 10 minutes .

  • Banners unlock once after successfully completing the Tower Scrapper mission . It's Shirli who sends you there after she activates the rift and demonstrates how to use the jetpack.
  • After eliminating the monsters in the dome, the Scavenger will explain the Simulacrum system to you and give you 1 Golden Nucleus that you must use for the tutorial: you cannot reroll this summon because it is scripted. All players are bound to have the SR Echo character.
  • Once done, the banners (Special Orders) will be unlocked in the menu at the top right of your screen,
  • Your objective is then to collect 30 Golden Nucleus and to do the summons: if you don't get the SSR you want, you can start the game again by creating a new account.

How to get your 30 free summons?

Click on the Gift icon at the top right of your screen: this is the rewards tab. To access this menu on PC, you must hold down ALT and drag your mouse. You will fall directly on the pre-registration rewards including:

  • "Side by side" tab: 10
  • Pioneer Gift: 1
  • Tiers: a total of 10 and 10 Black (purple) Nuclei

This already gives you 21 Golden Nucleus to recover very easily, with just one click. You are now missing 10 Golden Nuclei that can be farmed in the first region thanks to a very precise farming route that you can find on this website :

As a bonus, you can get 3 additional Golden Nucleus if you watch 4 hours of content from a streamer who has enabled Twitch Drops. If you don't plan to reroll right away, that gives you a total of 24 Nuclei to easily obtain.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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