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Open world Tower of Fantasy: How to break walls?

Open world Tower of Fantasy: How to break walls?

You want to collect supply modules or even black nuclei in the open world of Tower of Fantasy, but you face a major obstacle: a wall in a cliff. In this guide, we explain how to break down the walls to reach the resources of your covetousness.

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Tower of Fantasy has a fairly large open world with many resources to collect, but also points of interest to visit. In order to make invocations, you will need to collect a good number of black nuclei, but also supply modules to hope to find a gold nucleus.

While at times you will just have to climb cliffs or even burn brambles to collect objects, it can happen that these resources are hidden behind a wall. But how do you destroy it to reach these collectables? In this guide, we explain how to achieve your goals.

How to break a passable wall in Tower of Fantasy?

Unfortunately, not all walls can be broken in Tower of Fantasy. Indeed, only walls that are cracked can be broken. Very often, they are placed on cliffs and despite many attempts with fire or lightning cores nothing happens, so what to do?

Example of a breakable wall

To break down these walls, you'll need a specific relic: the Missile Barrage . By deploying it, then pressing your chosen action key, the Missile Barrage will deploy a missile launcher that will send a salvo of rockets towards the position you are in.

This relic can be obtained very easily in Tower of Fantasy, since it is given when you first set foot in ruins. So go to the A-01 ruins to get this exploration object.

These ruins can be accessed from character level 11 ; they are therefore quite simple and serve mainly as an introduction for Explorers. Therefore, you do not risk falling on an insurmountable boss if you go solo, everything will go very well!

However, we would like to point out that this relic is not only useful for exploration; Indeed it will also help you eliminate waves of enemies if you feel the need . Do not hesitate to use it, because the barrage of missiles can sometimes be of great use to you, especially if you take care to improve it over the course of your adventure.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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