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Sumeru Genshin Impact: How to get to the new region?

Sumeru Genshin Impact: How to get to the new region?

Genshin Impact update 3.0 is now available and you can now discover the Sumeru region but for that, you would still have to know how to get there. We offer a guide that will take you to the first Statue of the Seven in the area where the Dendro element rules.

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Sumeru, the new region of Genshin Impact is available since today and many of you want to discover it. For this, you will have to go to a particular place indicated to you thanks to the quest of Archons or go there by yourself. In our case, we will see how to access it through the quest.

Sumeru Genshin Impact: How to unlock Chapter 3 Archons quest?

To start this guide, we are going to come back to the means of unlocking the Archons quest Chapter III - Act 1: “Through the mist and the forests” since it is the one that will interest us to get to Sumeru. To access it, you will therefore need to have reached adventure level 35 or higher . Additionally, you must have done the Archons Chapter II - Act 4 quest: "Requiem of the Resonating Depths". Now we can focus on our arrival in Sumeru by starting by doing the mission called "A Changing Forest".

A Changing Forest: What to do in this quest?

To begin, this quest will ask you to go to a specific point marked on your map. The latter is located west of the Chasm. On your way, you will come across a Fairy that you can follow since it follows the path you must take. Once you arrive on the outskirts of the Sumeru region, a cutscene begins and reveals your next objective. Travel to Sumeru City. After the cutscene, take the chest that was unlocked by the previously encountered Fairy.

After trying to ask directions from a mysterious person, you decide to follow her. To get there, go near the waterfall. A cutscene plays where you enter the cave behind the waterfall and find the mysterious traveler there. Following this, you pass out due to the smell of incense. You find yourself in an unknown place where you will just have to follow the path by chaining the cutscenes.

Then you wake up in another unfamiliar place that appears to be a house. You learn from Collei that you now find in Gandharva . Once the long dialogue phase with Tighnari is over, your first quest ends, but you are far from your real objective.

Genshin Impact Recovery Tracker: What to do in this quest?

The first objective of this quest is to look for Collei. Leave the house and before continuing your adventure, head a little to the right, you will find a mechanism allowing you to recover a Dendroculus very easily. Then resume your journey to attend a dialogue phase with Tighnari and Collei. After this scene, you need to examine the lampposts on the road to the first Statue of Seven in the area.

New dialogues take place with Collei before having to climb the mountain where the statue is located in order to resonate with it and unlock the first part of the region. Then return to Collei for a new dialogue phase. Back at the shelter, you must pass the time until you reach at least 8 am the next day to conclude this second quest.

There you go, you now have the first part of the map and you are officially ready to go on an adventure in this new region where nature reigns.

Sumeru Genshin Impact: How to unlock the map sequel?

In order to have access to the rest of the map, you simply have to go to the different places where there is a Statue of the Seven . Once in front of a statue, you just have to interact with it to unlock a new one. portion of the map. If you want to see what the map looks like, you can rely on the image below. You will notice that there is still a small problem on this map since two small areas are still hidden. Don't worry, it's entirely possible to go there without having done a particular quest or event, however, this will not unlock them.

For more guides and tips on Genshin Impact, do not hesitate to consult our complete walkthrough of the game with all the character builds, the location of the resources to be collected in the world of Teyvat or the quests for each update.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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