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Dream Shards Disney Dreamlight Valley: 3 ways to get it easily

Dream Shards Disney Dreamlight Valley: 3 ways to get it easily

Can't find Dream Shards in Disney Dreamlight Valley to complete your quests? Here are the only ways to get them currently in the game.

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Disney Dreamlight Valley is finally released this Tuesday, September 6, 2022 in Early Access on all platforms. The opportunity for you to discover this magical world and restore it by finding lost Disney and Pixar characters. All means are good: whether it's exploring the open world by unlocking the passages of nocturnal thorns thanks to the Dreamlight, or going through the castle and its magic paintings. Today we're going to look at Dream Shards and how to get them. This is an important resource in the game as it will allow you to complete several story and friendship quests including turning them into Purified Nightshard. They should not be confused with the nocturnal shards which are very easy to find by digging in the shiny holes.

Destroy the Night Thorns

The first and very simple way to get Dreamshards is to clear the Night Thorns that litter the ground in your village. It is Merlin, at the start of the game, who will teach you how to do it and ask you to bring it to him. Each time you open a new biome, you will have new thorns to remove. Especially since some thorns grow back daily and therefore you have an almost infinite source of obtaining dream shards. Be careful though, rare shards have a very rare appearance rate: so much so that the developers have soon planned a patch to correct this.

Remember to bring along a character for whom you need to increase friendship: removing nocturnal thorns grants a lot of experience points.

Collect your welcome gifts

If you haven't done so yet, know that about forty dream shards are waiting for you in your mailbox: they are a purchase gift offered by the developers. Gameloft recently gave away 25 extra Dream Shards when they realized that the spawn rate was too low in-game. Dream Shards are indeed very important for some story and friendship quests and you will find yourself blocked if you don't have enough. It is strongly advised not to transform them into Dreamlight dust, especially since the latter is obtained very easily by completing the daily and permanent missions.

Provide food to animals

The Critters in the game are very important because if you manage to tame them and give them the food they prefer, then you will receive significant rewards. Most of the time, you will win dream shards, but you can also receive clothing, furniture or design patterns. Below, you will find a guide dedicated to the animals in order to know which food corresponds to each critter.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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