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Expanding your Disney Dreamlight Valley home: Elevator, price... How to do it?

Expanding your Disney Dreamlight Valley home: Elevator, price... How to do it?

In this new Disney Dreamlight Valley guide we will see how it will be possible to expand your house thanks to the quests of Uncle Scrooge and the gold coins that you will collect in your game. You are also told where to find the elevator in the house.

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Who says Animal Crossing inspiration obviously says housing with extended possibilities and Disney Dreamlight Valley is no exception. The game quickly gives you the opportunity to expand your home and customize your estate, with a few comfort options that ACNH doesn't have that are nice. In this guide, we will see what you will need to do to expand your house.

Scrooge and his quests

By improving your relationship of trust with Uncle Piscous, you will unlock new quests that will allow you to advance in the customization of your island. It is this character that must be followed to have all the tutorials related to crafts, and the development of the valley . The guy will offer you to improve your home, so we recommend that you target the duck's missions if you plan to get into housing as quickly as possible, but you'll have to work a little if you want to get to this stage.

How to extend your house?

Let's see the tasks to complete to access the expansion of your house in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Once this feature is unlocked, you will need to alternate between Scrooge's panel and the elevator in the house to purchase new expansions

  • Over here the change: Build Goofy's stand in the meadow and sell him everything you need to help Uncle Scrooge reopen his shop. You will also need wood to complete the construction.
  • Dreamlight Valley Economics Course: This mission will quietly explain to you how to arrange your island. But you will also have to resell 7 gems at Goofy's stall. Then Picsou will offer you to invest in your house. Go to your elevator and pay the 1000 coins needed for the expansion.

Where is the elevator?

The elevator is particularly misplaced at the moment, so we're not surprised that many players can't find it. Basically, the elevator is placed right at the exit of your house, squarely "beyond" the walls. Move closer to the exit and look to the sides to fall on it.

Extending the house: Cost and benefit

We are not drawing you a picture, the first obvious benefit is the space saving, necessary for storing all your cosmetic objects and important if you are the type to like decoration . But it also serves a more practical purpose, since each expansion will grant you an additional row of items in your house chest. Don't forget: from the elevator you enlarge the size of the main room, whereas if you use the Scrooge panel, you will improve the whole building. The costs for this part are exponential and if you get away with 2000 coins the first time, the miserly duck will charge you 20000 coins for the second upgrade.

The last upgrade costs 75000 coins.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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