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Grounded sharpening stone: How to use it?

Grounded sharpening stone: How to use it?

In order to improve your weapons in Grounded, and finally be able to get revenge on those damn spiders, you need to make whetstones with pieces of quartzite and marble. But it's not always very clear, here is an explanatory guide on how the forge works.

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A good way to gain power in Grounded is to make good use of the various Enhancement Stones. They can significantly increase the damage of your weapons, as well as their durability. They also save components on occasion. Finally, at high level, they will give you specialized tools, in order to more easily defeat the bosses and the most formidable enemies.

Required tools and unlocking the forge

To start, you need at least level 1 Stone Hammer . It will not take long to craft the Level 2 Insect Hammer, in order to extract the majority of the materials you will come across. Much later you will need a level 3 Hammer.

It is also necessary to advance a little in the main story, by activating the strange machine, then by going to save BURG.L in the laboratory of the oak tree . You must then use the computer screen, and buy the "Forge Post" upgrade for 100 Brute Science . This gives you access to the items you need to craft Whetstones.

Find Fragile Quartzite and Marble

To build the Forge Post, you need a piece of fragile Quartzite, and a piece of fragile Marble. You will also need huge amounts of it later to craft stones and upgrade your equipment. So take your hammer, and keep an eye out during your expeditions, in order to spot the large red or bluish stones, which give materials. They're all over the game, sometimes in the form of already-shattered shards that you can pick up straight away. But the chances of finding them in caves and canyons are much higher. For example, in the Secret Four-Leaf Clover Cave.

Craft the Whetstones

Once in possession of Quartzite and Marble stocks, use a Workbench to craft Whetstones and Brittle Veneers.

Use the Forge

Using them isn't super intuitive, especially if you forgot to craft the Forge Post. As you must have understood, it is during this stage that it is required. Interact with the anvil, then select the pieces of gear you want to upgrade, which will consume materials. However, there are a few things and tips to know;

  • We strongly recommend that you do not upgrade level 1 equipment (apart from the Gas Mask). Reserve your materials for level 2 and 3 equipment.
  • Upgrading a piece of gear fully repairs it. This is a good way to save materials, killing two birds with one stone. Level 2 and 3 equipment is often quite expensive to repair.
  • You can upgrade equipment up to level 5 with Soft Stones, then you need Strong Stones and Cubes.
  • From level 6 you can no longer repair equipment normally, you need glue. So be careful before upgrading your equipment too much.

High level progression

  • Each upgrade to a piece of equipment improves its stats and resistance by 5%, up to level 5. At level 6, you sometimes have to choose between a larger stat bonus (+10%), or a special bonus for armor pieces, or elemental damage for weapons. This is a permanent choice, and you must craft a new item for the alternate choice.
  • Enemies are vulnerable to different types of elements, you can scan them with X and then check the enemy data tab.
  • From level 8, you need enhancement jewels obtained from beetles and supreme stones.
Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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