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Hearthstone Deck OTK Paladin Shirvallah Guide

Hearthstone Deck OTK Paladin Shirvallah Guide

The new Rise of Shadows expansion has brought back ancient archetypes to life and make some new ones appear. Here are the decklist and a guide about the OTK Shirvallah Paladin which is seemingly surviving the leaving of Uther.

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This archetype is much more played since those last months thanks to the Rastakhan's Rumble, the OTK Shirvallah Paladin lost Uther of the Eden Blade in the rotation. Nevertheless, it may survive in the Rise of Shadows meta. With a new card and, mostly, a completely different meta, it will be popular in the upcoming weeks. Here are the code, list, and new cards required to play the deck.

OTK Shirvallah Paladin


New card: Safeguard

One word: hold. Your heals and new Safeguard can help you with it. If you have played the Rastakhan's version, you should know the drill. If it's not the case, it's simple: reduce the mana cost of Shirvallah by casting spells during the game, manage the opponent's aggression and put the opponent down to 25HP. Once Shirvallah is on the board and the deck is empty, put her back in the deck with the Baleful Banker and use Holy Wrath on the opponent to inflict 25 damage.

Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction
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