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Fire Emblem Three Houses: tier list, best students

Fire Emblem Three Houses: tier list, best students

Choosing which students to recruit and use is not easy unless you take into account a lot of information — some of which is hidden. Here is a selection of the best.

Fire Emblem Three Houses: tier list, best students
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In Fire Emblem Three Houses, you will quickly have the opportunity to recruit — or at least try to recruit — other students in your class, as well as monastery staff to assist you in the fight. In addition, since space in your team is generally limited to about 10 characters (12 maximum) plus 3 assistants, not everyone can be present on the battlefield — meaningit will be better to favour some over others.

Here, we have compiled a short list of what we believe are the best students to recruit and then use. Of course, it is not absolute, depending on your personal preferences, the classes chosen and the chance on level gains, almost any character can shine. Play with whoever you want, but if you want to perform, it's here.

Selection criteria

For this list, we have taken into account:

  • The growth rates of the characteristics, which give a massive difference, especially around the 30-40 levels. We consider that no consumables of characteristics will be given, but nothing prevents you from doing so.
  • The strengths and weaknesses in talent, as well as the class choices it opens up. Their personal competence and the spells they learn have not been forgotten either.
  • The possession of an emblem, its power, and the possible presence of a relic that goes with it, even if the characters are quite hypocritical in the story on this subject, this has a significant impact in some cases.
  • The ease of recruitment as well as their availability in the different routes. Good characters are awfully difficult to recruit like Ferdinand who asks for the Cuirassier talent. There are also roads that prohibit the recruitment of certain characters, or during which specific characters will be unavailable for several chapters.
  • We have obviously excluded Byleth, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Hubert and Dedue, as none of these characters can be recruited off the road to his house. However, you should know that they are all very good.

S Tier

Lysithea: All sources are unanimous, little Lysithea is THE best recruitable character in the game. She has the power (and lifetime) of an atomic explosion. She is the absolute embodiment of the glass cannon magician. Her Magic and Speed statistics are through the roof, which means she will cast 2 devastating spells on almost any target. Unfortunately, she is very fragile, with ridiculous health points and defense.

She has two emblems, the one we are interested in is the major one from Gloucester which will regularly increase the power of her spells. Moreover, after Lorenz's annex, you can have her equip the relic she obtained, which will increase the range of her spells by 2 and often reduce the damage received, which will make it much more monstrous.

Her personal competence will double the progression of her talents and her class mastery in combat, if you use her regularly, she will quickly have A's or even S's in her main talents, which will allow her to unlock classes and techniques quickly. As it has strengths in the 3 best areas, i. e. Science, Faith and Authority, the effect is amplified. When she has the bonus of +1 range of additional white/dark magic spells, she will have become a real missile launcher capable of killing anything and everything without fearing for her life.

Finally, she wins many very useful spells, both in the Science and Faith branches. Whether it's anti-resistance spells like Lunar, a giant anti-monster spell like Seraphin (which will allow her to kill one life bar per turn) or Teleportation, which will allow her to send an ally half a map distance away to rusher a target, she has a lot of choice. By using Nosferatu, his spells will bring him back to life, which will also allow him to aggressively survive enemies unconscious enough to attack him.

Finally, Lysithea is not particularly difficult to recruit if you do not neglect Faith with Byleth.

Recommended classes: Monk, Priest, Mage, Bishop, Warlock, Gremory.

A Tier

Without being at the level of Lysithea, all students in this category are very successful and universally available.


Mercenary, Thief, Archer, Assassin, Sniper, Mortal Savant, Bow Knight

Felix is a real brute, whether with a sword or a bow. With its major emblem and the relic that goes with it, it will be fast, robust and deadly. He does not ask to learn particular talents to be recruited as a bonus. He can also make a good Mortal Savant at the end of the game.


Monk, Priest, Bishop, Gremory

Mercedes is the best healer in the game. She has all the necessary equipment, as well as an emblem to keep care charges on occasion. She is effective in combat, and she is treated at the same time as the others as a bonus. In most roads, she gains a relic that will improve its survival.


Mercenary, Thief, Archer, Brigand, Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Knight, Assassin, Falcon Knight, Wyvern Lord

Although she has no emblem, Petra is very fast and agile, with a respectable strength and amount of life. She can be oriented towards very different classes. We strongly advise to make her a flying unit. Her personal competence will make her a killer of powerful enemies once she is weakened.

B Tier

A vast category full of good, even very good characters who often have the disadvantage of not being able to be recruited until later, or of not being available on all roads.



A good dancer, healer and mage. She

shines in many roles.


A very good magician, then a dark bishop or black Paladin,
especially with his relic. But he has an unfortunate tendency to
disappear for a while in the second part of the game in
several roads.


A pink hair tank. A slayer in melee with an axe or

an immortal dancer. Not available with

the Black Eagles or recruited too late.


A little fragile, but a good archer especially

with his emblem. She is easy to improve.


A good healer and mage, with utility spells

and an effective emblem.


The candidate nominated for the role of

Pegasus and falcon knight. Easy to assemble,

but she lacks a little strength.


Another good healer and magician, with

useful spells abound. Her silence made her

makes it very easy to progress in levels by

no more being formidable.


An excellent candidate for the role of paladin

or a falcon knight. She is very fast with
an adequate force.


As he arrives very late in the workforce,
he tends to go unnoticed, but he's a
fearsome Wyvern Lord once formed.


Significant statistical gains and training
make him another excellent candidate
as Wyvern Lord.


She takes a little time to develop her

caring skills, but later on

her spell of rescuing allies combined with
her zone care makes her a unique character.


Recruitable at level 15, she's a real killer by

mixed with her relic.

C Tier

The rest of the characters, are not bad in general, but they are just not as good. Since Fire Emblem Three Houses is not particularly difficult without the lunatic mode, nothing prevents you from using them and getting away with them.

Written by Robin "Raiden" Bouquet. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction
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