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Golden Deer, Leicester Alliance - Fire Emblem Three Houses: which house should you pick?

Fire Emblem Three Houses: which house should you pick?
Golden Deer, Leicester Alliance
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Golden Deer, Leicester Alliance

This house represents the Leicester Alliance, located in the East (and not the Baratheon house), it is composed of a league of many minor noble families who refuse to swear absolute allegiance to a king or emperor. Nevertheless, the Riegan family is leading them for the moment. At the Academy, his house was led by Claude, the heir to the Riegans house and future leader of the alliance.

The specialization of this faction is the arc. Moreover, it is composed of far more commoners than other houses (in which nobles are predominant). This means that you will have fewer characters with an emblem, and having a Lord at a distance means a gameplay a little different from other houses.

Claude von Riegan

Hilda Valentin Goneril

Leonie Pinelli

Raphael Kirsten

Ignatz Victor

Lorenz Hermann Gloucester

Lysithea von Cordelia

Marianne von Edmund

Our opinion

The Golden Deer are perfect for a 3rd game, because their route reveals more about the others on the general scenario, and it probably has the most appropriate ending for that. They are also a perfect choice if you only plan to play the game once and don't want to come out with more questions than answers.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager

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