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Hearthstone, Spell Hunter Guide

Hearthstone, Spell Hunter Guide

Find out about the Spell Hunter deck, which should be more and more used in the upcoming meta, thanks to the apparition of Zul'Jin. The new Hunter hero adds new possibilities to the archetype and a second, or third, wind.

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Much tested since the release of Kobolds and Catacombs and legendary weapons, the Spell Hunter has never been over-dominant in a meta, but always decent or good. The last addition of Rastakhan's Rumble is no other than Zul'Jin, the new Hunter hero who comes to chop some heads off in Hearthstone. His addition is still currently debatable with a dominant Rexxar, but it can dominate some games.

The version that we'll break down here is the one of the Dutch player Theo.

Mini... what? Spells! Okay!

You get it now, the particularity of the deck is that it contains no minion to get the best use of To My Side! and Rhok'Delar, as well as the newcomer Zul'Jin. As minions, you will get zombie beasts created by Rexxar when he'll be on the board. And don't worry, they are among the best minions of the game, for the most part.


As we remind you in each guide, mulligan is a key moment in the game... whereas it hasn't even begun. You will want to pick these cards:

  • Candleshot can temper the earlygame-focused enthusiasm of the opponent
  • Wandering Monster to slow the opponent's aggression, create a Round 3 for (2), and maybe increase the Emerald Spellstone if you have it
  • Lesser Emerald Spellstone (if you can play it first in mirror, you should grab the win)
  • Explosive Trap if you know that the opponent's deck is aggressive
  • You may want to keep Animal Companion, especially against control decks
  • You can also keep Secret Plan, it can be used as a Secret Tracker and give you a worthy Round 2, especially if you have Emerald
  • Rexxar can be a good card in your starting hand in some matchups which will be based on value (especially Control Warrior, and more generally the other Control decks). If you play it early in the game, the opponent will be short of removals at some point and you will grab the win

It's not really necessary anymore to keep Tracking as it was before, it is now more interesting to pick it during the game to find the appropriate solution depending on the situation.

How does it work?

On one side, we have the legendary Rhok'Delar weapon which will be important to definitely close up a game with the value created. This bow will obviously be more efficient against Control decks since most of the other controlled decks will be conceded.

On the other side, the rest of the deck only has management spells (Rexxar, Explosive Trap, Hunter's Mark, Flanking Strike) and aggressive spells (Kill Command, To My Side!, Emerald Spellstone). Along with weapons, they should give you a fast victory. Because don't forget that even with a more of "Control' aspect, this Hunter is still a predator above all and must kill fast his opponent.

Zul'Jin, last addition, has a role in between since he will sometimes allow to finish up your opponent having untouched Wolves again on the board, and maybe Animal Companions. But he will also play again all of your Secrets, and cast again Crushing Walls which will manage a part of the board. You'll have many things to do with this hero...

Gameplay and tips

  • Never forget that you play Hunter. Either your opponent plays an aggressive deck and you will have to manage his board with your Secrets and Flanking Strike, and counterattack with your offensive spells to kill or to be killed... or your opponent plays Midrange, Control, or even an aggressive deck but less stable, and then it's a beautiful match. Your (basic) heroic power is the most aggressive one in the game, use it to put constant pressure on the opponent and threaten him with lethal damage to force him to play more defensive.
  • If the aggressive way isn't enough, you will be able to use Rexxar which will give you enormous value and a very efficient AoE against generally aggressive decks (keeping it in mulligan can even make sense depending on what you see in front of you, because it will be THE win condition against, for example, a Control Warrior). New neutral beasts and specifically Hunters of Rastakhan's Rumble, Witchwood, and Boomsday Project brought many new options to build your Zombie-Creatures: rush, toxicity, lifesteal... unfortunately, don't dream too much, there is still only Ironbeak Owl to Silence an opponent. Chances to get it are then pretty low.
  • Don't always try to get 4 wolves out of Emerald Spellstone. Often, 3 of them will already be good and will put sufficient pressure to bother all opponents. Particularly in a mirror match, the first of two Hunters which will draw its wolf pack will have the initiative and is likely to win the game, even if you have 1 less.
  • You would rather take trades with your weapons if you need to, instead of with your minions. You will keep your advantage of the board and it's crucial. Except if you are sure to get a kill on the next round with your distance spells... in which case, go SMORC with your weapon.
  • You can use Tracking to look for THE right spell depending on the situation. Among the 3 offered cards, there will often be one which has no interest in being picked. If you have a bit of luck, the choice will be easy and you will have won 2 draw rounds almost dead.
  • Main flaw of Tracking: since the arrival of Zul'Jin in the decklist, if you have cast Tracking in the game, the new Hunter hero will also cast it, getting you closer of exhaust and will leave you no choice. You may even have burnt Rexxar without even knowing it. To conclude, don't play Zul'Jin if you played Tracking and if you still may need Rexxar in the game.
  • Last tip about Zul'Jin: his effect is clearly very powerful. There will always be a part of randomness depending on the eventual targets of the numerous spells, but it still can be controlled. Think about only using spells which target opponent's minions/heroes or which will be beneficial for you.

I miss some cards, what should I do?

The deck is well-optimized and the highly efficient spells which are not in it are numerous. Nonetheless, you can make some adjustments depending on your will and needs:

  • You can modify Secrets at will and depending on the needs of your rank's meta. Nothing is fixed in stone, but their numbers.
  • Grievous Bite is also an option. It's efficient in cleaning disturbing little boards.
  • If you don't like the Secret Plan effect, using Wing Blast again may be an option.
  • Unleash the Hounds can be an option, even if it may fill the board too quickly on Zul'Jin. You would rather have Wolves or Animal Companion than 1/1s.

The staff's opinion

A really fun deck to play, much randomness with Rohk'Delar and Zombie-Creatures created by Rexxar. Zul'Jin adds another dimension to the deck and becomes very powerful.

Good management of tempo and board-focused decks
Affordable decks for free-to-play players
Building zombie-creatures is awesome!
Zul'Jin is badass
Hard to play against many dominant decks of the meta
Mirror plays, most of the time, with the first one to use his Emerald
Much randomness, with spells won on Rhok'Delar and Zul'Jin

Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction
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