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Electrocute Version - LoL Guide, Build: Glacial Augment and Electrocute Ahri, Mid, S10

LoL Guide, Build: Glacial Augment and Electrocute Ahri, Mid, S10
Electrocute Version
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Ahri is a hybrid between a mage and an assassin, so you can go on a build mage or a little more assassin-oriented depending on the game. Generally, you want to leave on the traditional build based on Luden's Echo then Morellomonicon like the majority of the mages. If you want to be a pure splitpusher who only seeks duels, then Lichbane can be your friend. The Hextech Gunbalde is an original choice that allows you to sustain, but it's especially the slow sound of its active effect that can help you touch your E easily.


Morellonomicon is a very interesting item on a mage. With magical penetration — a particularly difficult statistic to have — and health points, it's a sure value that allows you to inflict more damage on all targets but also to be harder to kill. Moreover, its unique effect allows you to prevent your target from healing — a must-have when you're facing champions with high sustain abilities, such as Vladimir.

Hextech Gunblade

Hextech Gunblade is the most violent alternative. Going on this item allows you to have a little more power, a little AD but above all a particularly powerful active effect that allows you, in addition to inflicting a lot of damage, to slow down the target. It allows you to hit E - Charm much more easily. Of course, the vampiric spell is also very strong: at the end of the game you will be able to recover up to 100% of your HPs thanks to a well-placed Q.

How to play Ahri?

Ahri has very good range with Q - Orb of Deception, but the damage she inflicts in the early levels are not excessively high — so make sure you hit!

  • Level 1: Focus on both allied and enemy minions to gauge when the opponent will get closer for a last hit, then try to hit Q - Orb of Deception when your opponent attacks the minion. Repeat the process as often as possible.
  • Level 2: Now with E - Charm at your disposal, you will continue to play the exact same way. Charm's mana cost is expensive and you will use it only if you can make it count, otherwise you'll quickly run out of mana and suffer for the rest of your laning phase.
  • Level 3: You can take W - Fox-Fire if you feel like you need a close-combat option. Otherwise, pick an additional level in Q - Orb of Deception to amplify your poke when your opponent last hits.



Tips & Tricks

  • The return damage of your Q - Orb of Deception is true damage, which ignores magic resist and armor.
  • If you launch your E - Charm and quickly use Flash right after, the animation of your Charm will start from where your champion lands after the Flash. This allows you to surprise your opponent and lower the chance of them reacting.
  • Activate your W - Fox-Fire before you hit an enemy with your ultimate.
  • W - Fox-Fire will inflict damage on the last champion you hit.
  • Always try to apply the return damage of Q - Orb of Deception. For this, there are two solutions: take steps to the side, so that the return also crosses the target who will try to dodge it; or try to hit the enemy within the maximum range of the spell, so you will apply both damages simultaneously.

Coach League of Legends sur le site "Egg-One School" depuis 2013, Zash a coaché plus de 5000 heures et s'est lancé dans la rédaction et le streaming pour partager sa passion auprès de plus de gens.

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