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WoW Classic: Hunter Levelling Guide 1-60

WoW Classic: Hunter Levelling Guide 1-60

We've put together a comprehensive guide to show you the best way to level your Hunter from 1-60 that covers Talents, Rotations, Stats, Weapons, and Addons.

WoW Classic: Hunter Levelling Guide 1-60
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To help ease the burden of levelling in WoW Classic, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best Talents, Weapons, and Professions, as well as other information that you’ll need to know as a Hunter.

Easiest and fastest class to level up
Your pet can tank while you do DPS
Excellent mobility thanks to Aspect of the Cheetah
Can be effective even with mediocre equipment
Can fight multiple creatures at once
Can solo elites
Excellent at farming at a high level
Weak at a high level
Rather costly (ammo, food for your pet...)
Requires good pet control
Useless if you forget to pick up ammo before you go adventuring

Stats to Focus On When Levelling

Agility > Intellect > Spirit = Stamina > Strength

Best Build For Levelling

This is the best build for levelling, and can even be used to for high level farming. By making your pet extremely strong, you can avoid pulling aggro yourself and dying. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:

  1. Endurance Training 5/5
  2. Improved Aspect of the Hawk 5/5
  3. Thick Hide 3/3
  4. Improved Revive Pet 2/2
  5. Unleashed Fury 5/5
  6. Bestial Swiftness 1/1
  7. Ferocity 5/5
  8. Intimidation 1/1
  9. Spirit Bond 2/2
  10. Frenzy 1/5
  11. Bestial Wrath 1/1
  12. Frenzy 5/5
  13. Efficiency 5/5
  14. Improved Concussive Shot 1/5
  15. Lethal Shots 4/5
  16. Aimed Shot 1/1
  17. Lethal Shots 5/5
  18. Pathfinding 2/2
  19. Bestial Discipline 2/2

Spells and Abilities to Prioritise


Spell or Ability


Everything available in this range


Arcane Shot (Rank 2)Wing Clip (Rank 1)Mend Pet (Rank 1)


Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 2)Multi-Shot (Rank 1)Serpent Sting (Rank 3)Immolation Trap (Rank 1)


Aspect of the CheetahArcane Shot (Rank 3)Mend Pet (Rank 2)Freezing Trap (Rank 1)


Rapid FireSerpent Sting (Rank 4)Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 3)Arcane Shot (Rank 4)


Feign DeathMulti-Shot (Rank 2)


Arcane Shot (Rank 5)Immolation Trap (Rank 3)Serpent Sting (Rank 5)


Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 4)Aspect of the PackMail


Multi-Shot (Rank 3)Serpent Sting (Rank 6)Arcane Shot (Rank 6)


Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 5)Serpent Sting (Rank 7)


Arcane Shot (Rank 7)Multi-Shot (Rank 4)


Aspect of the Hawk (Rank 6)

Rotations and Important Information for Levelling

Basic Information

  1. Keep your pet happy by giving it the food it likes. Ensure that it always uses the highest ranks of its abilities
  2. Pay a visit to a Weapons Vendor when you get into town. Buy a cheap ranged weapon that is stronger than your current one to maximise your damage.
  3. Pay attention to your range, in particular be wary of close range (0-8 metres from your character) where you won't be able to fire your ranged weapon. Don't be afraid to slow your enemies and run away from them if they get too close. Once you've re-established distance, go back to attacking from range.

Basic Rotation

  1. Hunter's Mark
  2. Aimed Shot (from Level 50)
  3. Auto-attack
  4. Rapid Fire (from Level 28)
  5. Bestial Wrath (from Level 40)
  6. Serpent Sting
  7. Arcane Shot
  8. Multi-Shot

Useful Weapons and Armour


  1. Laminated Recurve Bow, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 11
  2. Reinforced Bow, Sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 11
  3. Raptor's End, a quest reward from Ormer's Revenge, given by Ormer Ironbraid in Wetlands
  4. Study Recurve, sold by Landria in Darnassus, Frederick Stover in Stormwind, and Skolmin Goldfury in Ironforge, all at Level 27
  5. Master Hunter's Bow, a quest reward from Big Game Hunter, given by Hemet Nesingwary in Stranglethorn Vale
  6. Sylvan Shortbow, sold by Landria in Darnassus at Level 44
  7. Verdant Keeper's Aim, a quest reward from Corruption of Earth and Seed (Level 45+), given by Keeper Marandis in Desolace, taking place in Maraudon
  8. Ancient Bone Bow, dropped by Lord Alexei Barov, Doctor Theolen Krastinov, Lorekeeper Polkelt, and Instructor Malicia in Scholomance


  1. Laminated Recurve Bow, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 11
  2. Reinforced Bow, Sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 11
  3. Cliffrunner's Aim, a quest reward from The Sacred Flame (Level 20+), given by Rau Cliffrunner at Thousand Needles
  4. Study Recurve, sold by Kuna Thunderhorn in Thunderbluff and Abigail Sawyer in Undercity, both at Level 27
  5. Master Hunter's Bow, a quest reward from Big Game Hunter, given by Hemet Nesingwary in Stranglethorn Vale
  6. Massive Longbow, sold by Kuna Thunderhorn in Thunderbluff at level 42
  7. Verdant Keeper's Aim, a quest reward from Corruption of Earth and Seed (Level 45+), given by Selendra in Desolace, taking place in Maraudon
  8. Ancient Bone Bow, dropped by Lord Alexei Barov, Doctor Theolen Krastinov, Lorekeeper Polkelt, and Instructor Malicia in Scholomance

Which Race Should I Choose?


Orcs are much stronger in PvE than in PvP, not only due to their racial Blood Fury, but also thanks to Command, which is essential for Hunters. Orcs really are in a league of their own when it comes to Hunter PvE. In addition, having access to Hardiness gives them an overall advantage over other races in PvP as well.


Dwarfs have access to Stoneform, making them a great choice for PvP, as well as Frost Resistance, which is useful for specific situations in PvE. Not only that, Dwarfs are the only race who can offer you Gun Specialisation, which is significant if you'd rather use Guns than Bows and Crossbows.

WoW Classic: Race Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of races to choose from, and making that choice has long-term consequences. You don't want to regret your choice later, so we've broken down the races in our tier list for WoW: Classic.



If you follow our guide when choosing a profession, Skinning is a great choice. If you also choose Leatherworking, you can effectively become self-sufficient. Even if you don't choose Skinning, you can still farm materials which can be used to craft high level armour.


Engineering is the best choice by default, as it is widely used in both PvP and PvE. From Goblin Sapper Charges, to Arcanite Dragonlings, to even Dense Dynamite, you'll always find Engineering to be useful in some way or another!


The main interest in Leatherworking comes from its ability to craft high level pre-raid armour, such as Devilsaur Armour.

WoW Classic: Profession Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of professions to choose from, from crafting armour with Blacksmithing and Leatherworking to farming materials with Herbalism and Minning. With something for everyone, here is our Classic Profession tier list.

Macros and Addons

There aren't any must-have addons specifically for Hunters, but here are some that will make your levelling easier across the board:

  1. Azeroth Auto Pilot
  2. Questie
  3. ClassicCastbars
  4. EquipCompare
  5. EZDismount
  6. MobInfo
WoW Classic: 23 tips to make leveling easier

WoW Classic sounds the return of a long and demanding leveling process, requiring patience and rigour. To make your task a bit easier, we offer some tips for both Horde and the Alliance, whatever your class: addons, zones, PvP, instances and more.

Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction
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