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WoW Classic: Warrior Leveling Guide 1-60

WoW Classic: Warrior Leveling Guide 1-60

We've put together a comprehensive guide to show you the best way to level your Warrior from 1-60 that covers Talents, Rotations, Stats, Weapons, and Addons.

WoW Classic: Warrior Leveling Guide 1-60
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To help ease the burden of levelling in WoW Classic, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on the best Talents, Weapons, and Professions, as well as other information that you’ll need to know as a Warrior.

Excellent high level DPS
The hands-down best tank in PvE
Can use almost all weapons in the game
Can wear plate mail at Level 40, making them very resilient
Can adapt to every situation by using 3 different stances
One of the hardest classes to level
Lacking mobility
Very dependant on gear
Very dependant on consumables (potions, food...)
Very vulnerable by themselves on PVP servers
Solo farming is almost impossible

Stats to Focus On When Levelling

Level 1-40

Strength = Spirit > Agility > Stamina > Intellect

Level 40-60

Agility > Strength > Stamina > Spirit > Intellect

Best Build For Levelling

This is the best build for levelling from Level 10-40, as it offers great health regeneration in combat, providing better survivability than a Arms spec build. Level 40 is the last point at which this build is stronger, as Arms begins to get more out of Cleave from that point onwards. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:

  1. Cruelty 5/5
  2. Booming Voice 5/5
  3. Blood Craze 3/3
  4. Piercing Howl 1/1
  5. Improved Battle Shout 1/5
  6. Enrage 5/5
  7. Death Wish 1/1
  8. Improved Battle Shout 5/5
  9. Flurry 5/5
  10. Bloodthirst 1/1

Note: Any talents that aren't listed aren't essential to this build, so choose whatever talents you want if you don't have enough points to get into the next tier.

We strongly recommend this build from Level 40 onwards, as Mortal Strike is very important for Arms spec warriors. It is still viable from Level 10, even if it isn't as strong as Fury early. Here are the talents you should prioritise when levelling up:

  1. Improved Rend 3/3
  2. Deflection 2/5
  3. Tactical Mastery 5/5
  4. Anger Management 1/1
  5. Improved Overpower 1/2
  6. Deep Wounds 3/3
  7. Impale 2/2
  8. Two-Handed Weapon Specialisation 5/5
  9. Improved Overpower 2/2
  10. Axe Specialisation 5/5
  11. Sweeping Strikes 1/1
  12. Improved Hamstring 1/3
  13. Mortal Strike 1/1

Note: Any talents that aren't listed aren't essential to this build, so choose whatever talents you want if you don't have enough points to get into the next tier. In the Fury tree, focus on maxing Cruelty above all else.

Spells and Abilities to Prioritise


Spell or Ability


Everything available in this range


Battle Shout (Rank 2)Overpower (Rank 1)Shield Bash (Rank 1)


Heroic Strike (Rank 3)Mocking Blow (Rank 1)Shield Block


RetaliationBattle Shout (Rank 3)Intimidating ShoutExecute (Rank 1)Heroic Strike (Rank 4)


Execute (Rank 2)Heroic Strike (Rank 5)Battle Shout (Rank 4)




Execute (Rank 3)Heroic Strike (Rank 6)Plate Mail


Battle Shout (Rank 5)Bloodthirst/Mortal Strike (Rank 2)Heroic Strike (Rank 7)Execute (Rank 4)


RecklessnessBattle Shout (Rank 6)Bloodthirst/Mortal Strike (Rank 3)


Execute (Rank 5)Heroic Strike (Rank 8)

Rotations and Important Information for Levelling

Basic Information

  1. Make sure the highest rank of Battle Shout is active at all times
  2. Use Overpower whenever it's available
  3. Avoid using Execute on single targets that aren't posing a real threat, otherwise you'll consume all your rage, which will prevent you from killing other creatures quickly
  4. When you learn Whirlwind, it will become you main single-target spell
  5. Use each of your three postures to adapt to the situation at hand. This is one of the main strengths of the Warrior.

Rotation from 1-40

  1. Charge
  2. Battle Shout
  3. Auto-attack
  4. Hamstring
  5. Auto-attack
  6. Rend
  7. Heroic Strike

Rotation from 40-60

  1. Charge
  2. Battle Shout
  3. Auto-attack
  4. Hamstring
  5. Mortal Strike or Bloodthirst
  6. Auto-attack
  7. Whirlwind
  8. Heroic Strike

Useful Weapons and Armour


  1. Large Axe or Wooden Mallet, depending on your primary weapon skill, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 3, regardless of starting area
  2. Edge of the People's Militia, a quest reward from The People's Militia (Level 9+), given by Gyran Stoutmantle in Westfall, taking place in The Deadmines
  3. Miner's Revenge, a quest reward from Oh Brother... (15+), given by Wilder Thistlenettle in Stormwind, taking place in The Deadmines
  4. Headbasher, a quest reward from The Fury Runs Deep (Level 22+), given by Motley Garmason in Wetlands, taking place in The Stockade
  5. Ancient War Sword, a quest reward from Defeat Nek'rosh (Level 23+), given by Dragonmaw Catapult in Wetlands
  6. Corpsemaker, dropped by Overlord Ramtusk in Razorfen Kraul
  7. Whirlwind Axe, a reward from the Warrior quest Whirlwind Weapon (Level 30+)
  8. Bonebiter, a quest reward from In the Name of the Light (Level 34+), taking place in Scarlet Monastery
  9. Grimlok's Charge, dropped by Grimlok in Uldaman
  10. Dreadforge Retaliator, dropped by Emperor Dagran Thaurissan in Blackrock Depths


  1. Large Axe or Wooden Mallet, depending on your primary weapon skill, sold by any Weapons Vendor at Level 3, regardless of starting area
  2. Axe of Orgrimmar, a quest reward from Hidden Enemies (Level 9+), given by Thrall in Orgrimmar, taking place in Ragefire Chasm
  3. Demolition Hammer, a quest reward from Weapons of Choice (Level 17+), given by Tatternack Steelforge in The Barrens
  4. Strike of the Hydra, dropped by Aku'mai in Blackfathom Deeps
  5. Corpsemaker, dropped by Overlord Ramtusk in Razorfen Kraul
  6. Whirlwind Axe, a reward from the Warrior quest Whirlwind Weapon (Level 30+)
  7. Bonebiter, a quest reward from In the Name of the Light (Level 34+), taking place in Scarlet Monastery
  8. Grimlok's Charge, dropped by Grimlok in Uldaman
  9. Dreadforge Retaliator, dropped by Emperor Dagran Thaurissan in Blackrock Depths

What Race Should I Choose?


Orcs are much stronger in PvE than in PvP, thanks to their racials Blood Fury and Axe Specialisation. Orcs really are in a league of their own when it comes to warrior PvE. In addition, having access to Hardiness gives them an overall advantage over other races in PvP as well.


Humans have two serious advantages: Mace Specialisation and Sword Specialisation, both of which work heavily in your favour. Diplomacy is great when grinding reputation and Perception can be particularly useful for PvP.

WoW Classic: Race Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of races to choose from, and making that choice has long-term consequences. You don't want to regret your choice later, so we've broken down the races in our tier list for WoW: Classic.



If you follow our guide when choosing a profession, Mining is a great choice, as if you also choose Engineering or Blacksmithing, you can effectively become self-sufficient. With Mining, you can also make good money at Auction House.


Engineering is the de facto best choice, as it is widely used in both PvP and PvE. From Goblin Sapper Charges, to Arcanite Dragonlings, to even Dense Dynamite, you'll always find Engineering to be useful in some way or another!


The main advantage of Blacksmithing, in addition to Sharpening Stones (like Heavy Sharpening Stone), can be found when you are put forward to receive rare and powerful drops, such as Plans: Lionheart Healm and Plans: Arcanite Repear, amongst others.

WoW Classic: Profession Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of professions to choose from, from crafting armour with Blacksmithing and Leatherworking to farming materials with Herbalism and Minning. With something for everyone, here is our Classic Profession tier list.

Macros and Addons

There aren't any must-have addons specifically for Warriors, but here are some that will make your levelling easier across the board:

  1. Azeroth Auto Pilot
  2. Questie
  3. ClassicCastbars
  4. EquipCompare
  5. EZDismount
  6. MobInfo
WoW Classic: 23 tips to make leveling easier

WoW Classic sounds the return of a long and demanding leveling process, requiring patience and rigour. To make your task a bit easier, we offer some tips for both Horde and the Alliance, whatever your class: addons, zones, PvP, instances and more.

Written by Laerezh, Translated from the French by Millenium.

Millenium Rédaction
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