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Gehennas & Garr - WoW Classic: Molten Core Raid Guide

WoW Classic: Molten Core Raid Guide
Gehennas & Garr
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The Third Boss


Abilities: Gehennas' Curse, Rain of Fire, Shadow Bolt, Fist of Ragnaros, Strike, Sunder Armor

Location: In a room to the West (3)

Type: Humanoid


Like their contemporary Lucifron, Gehennas is flanked by two bodyguards that should be separated from the boss. There isn't anything too complex about defeating these mobs, however your tanks should use Free Action Potions to avoid being stunned by Fist of Ragnaros.

Once you've killed the boss' bodyguards, focus on Gehennas, who will use two main spells: Gehnnas' Curse, which should be removed from tanks as soon as possible, and Rain of Fire, which must be dodged by all members of the raid.



Robe of Volatile Power

Heavy Dark Iron Ring

Choker of Enlightenment

Ring of Spell Power

Flamewaker Legplates

Sorcerous Dagger

Salamander Scale Pants

Raid Quests


Quest Giver


Hands of the Enemy

Duke Hydraxis


The Fourth Boss


Abilities: Antimagic Pulse, Enrage, Magma Shackles, Eruption, Separation Anxiety

Location: In a room to the South-West (4)

Type: Elemental


Garr is defended by a team of eight Earth Elementals. The more Warlocks you have in your raid, the easier this fight will be. In essence, each elemental can be Banished in turn, reducing the total overall damage inflicted on the raid.

Garr receives a passive buff after each Firesworn is defeated, gaining Enrage stacks which increased his attack speed by 10% each time. To limit damage, you should kill some of the elementals (between one and four) and Banish the others, or tank the remaining Firesworn while the rest of your raid focuses on killing the boss. In addition, each elemental explodes when it dies, inflicting damage to nearby players and launching them across the room

Finally Garr uses two abilities: Antimagic Pulse will remove one of your buffs during combat, and Magma Shackles slows all nearby players. Once you've killed the boss, all you have to do is mop up the remaining elementals.



Aurastone Hammer

Brutality Blade

Drillborer Disk

Bindings of the Windseeker (Right Half)


Passionné de WoW depuis sa sortie, joueur mais aussi GM / RL de guilde Classic

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