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The Easy - WoW Classic: Class Tier List

WoW Classic: Class Tier List
The Easy
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The best choice if you like a Sunday at home, chilling with a cold one.

Easy to learn and level, but harder to master. That's what we're looking for when we look at the easy classes in World of Warcraft: Classic. This doesn't mean that every aspect of the class is easy, or even that there is no challenge. However, these classes will open the door for you to begin your journey in Classic.


"My piercing arrow is the last thing you will see on this earth, Orc!" - Alleria Windrunner

We start off with the classic beginner role: the Hunter. World of Warcraft: Classic is no different to many fantasy worlds, with the Hunter having a great balance of solo play and end-game viability. While the spec has a bad reputation for being played by bad players (something that still happens in Live), mastering this ranged DPS will make you an invaluable asset to your team.

Pet allows you to solo harder content
Good utility in raids
Good damage at 60 once geared
Pet gives good utility
Easy-to-learn playstyle
Levelling up pets is slow
5-yard "dead zone" can make PvP hard
Bad reputation for being played by bad players
Need ammo for ranged weapon
You have to look after pet

While the Hunter is easy to learn, mastering this class is worth the rewards. From learning what food your pet needs via both Beast Lore and Feed Pet, to remembering always to have a good amount of ammunition, the high damage output, utility and having your own pet is worth the negative side of being called a 'noob class'.


"Everybody always wanna take from us. Now we gonna start takin' back. Anybody who get in our way...gonna drown in their own blood! De Amani empire be back now...seekin' vengeance. And we gonna start...with you!" - Zul'Jin

World of Warcraft's answer to the thief archetype, the Rogue excels at dealing damage from the shadows, and offers some of the best options for escaping combat thanks to Vanish. It also comes with a variety of racial options and a good range of weapon types (certain rogue spell/specs will require specific weapons).

Amazing 1v1
Very high burst DPS
Lockpicking and pick-pocketing
Dominant in world PvP
Weak if locked down
Poisons can be annoying to manage
There'll be a lot of other rogues
No raid utility
Some spells require specific weapons
Bad reputation for ganking low level players

The Rogue is second-to-none when it comes to dealing out high bursts of damage without retaliation, with their plethora of stuns and high physical damage burst. They also have a number of unique gameplay aspects, including Pick Pocket and Pick Lock. They also encapsulate stealth gameplay by coating their weapons in poisons, starting at level 20.


"Perhaps I underestimated you. It would be unfair to make you fight all four Advisors at once, but... fair treatment was never shown to my people. I'm just returning the favour." - Prince Kael'Thas Sunstrider

The Mage is World of Warcraft's standard spellcaster, with the ability to wield Fire, Frost and Arcane magic. Mages are one of the classes whose difficulty and likelihood of group play can depend massively on the spec.

High damange
Amazing crowd control
Arguably the best core DPS class
Portals and teleports
Can make your own food & water
Will always be asked to make other people food
Very squishy
Can be bad at 1v1 without CC & slow
Lack of escape without blink
Simple rotation

When it comes to levelling, being able to slow mobs with Frostbolt or root them in place with Frost Nova makes the mage a safe bet. Frost spec also has some unique survival spells, such as Ice Block and Ice Barrier. When it comes to level 60 content, Mages can move into Arcane for high burst damage with spells like Presence of Mind and Arcane Power, or Fire for high critical damage with spells like Combustion.

Millenium Rédaction
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