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WoW Classic Halloween Event: Hallow's End Guide

WoW Classic Halloween Event: Hallow's End Guide

Hallow's End will take place from October 18th - November 1st in WoW Classic. Discover all you need to know about the WoW Classic Halloween event, including how to get the Invocation of the Wickerman Buff.

WoW Classic Halloween Event: Hallow's End Guide
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From October 18th - November 1st, Players will once again be able to pay their respects to Azeroth's dead during the Hallow's End event. Those who partake in this seasonal event will be able to complete various different tasks, which in turn allow players to access a range of buffs and rewards.

Important to note: The Hallow's End event in World of Warcraft Classic has almost no similarities with its namesake .in Battle for Azeroth. You can forget all about cosmetics, candy rings, and new mounts, as none of that is in this version of the game! Yet even so, there is plenty for you to get your hands on in the Classic iteration of this event.

Invocation of the Wickerman

Every day, players will have a chance to get the powerful Invocation of the Wickerman buff, which provides characters with the following buffs for two hours:

  • +25% Mana Regeneration
  • +25% HP Regeneration
  • +25% Stamina

Here's how you can get your own hands on this powerful buff:


To get this buff on Alliance, you'll need a strong group, as you'll have to go to the Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glades, not far from Undercity. Your sole objective is to pull a Wickerman Guardian and kill it, then pick up the Wickerman Guardian Embers that drops near its corpse, giving you the buff in the process.

However, these mobs are very strong, with each mob having 10,000 HP, so you'll need a sturdy bunch of players to help you!


Horde players should simply pay a visit to the Wickerman Festival in Tirisfal Glades, not far from Undercity, and pick up a Wickerman Guardian Ember, which will grant you the buff. These items can be gathered everyday between 6PM-6AM (server time).

Important to note: If you visit the festival at 8PM (server time) exactly, there's a chance you'll see Sylvanas Windrunner light the Wickerman personally!

Trick or Treat!

Once every hour, players can talk to any Innkeeper to ask to be trick or treated, regardless of location or faction.

Lucky players will receive a Treat Bag, which may contain the following items:

  • Candy Corn
  • Lollipop
  • Candy Bar
  • A Flimsy Mask which depicts one of the playable races in the game.
  • A Hallowed Wand that will let you transform a friendly player into one of many creatures, such a Bat

Unlucky players will be cursed and forced to transform into one of the following creatures for 1-2 minutes.

  • Frog
  • Human Ghost
  • Kitten
  • Mini-Diablo
  • Skeleton
  • Snake

Some players may be "lucky" enough to be cursed by a Hallowed Wand, and will turn into one of the following creatures:

  • Bat
  • Leper Gnome
  • Ninja
  • Pirate
  • Skeleton
  • Wisp
  • Ghost

Note: Certain costumes prevent you from using spells and abilities.

Apple Bobbing

You'll find apple bobbing stations in every Inn around Azeroth. Merely clicking on these basins will give you five free Bobbing Apples. You can only hold five at a time, but they are still useful as they heal 2% of your max HP per second for 24 seconds, and they will even give you a bonus to Stamina and Spirit if you remain seated for at least 10 seconds!


The quests below are available from Level 10.


  • Hallow's End Treats for Jesper


  • Hallow's End Treats for Spoops

In order to complete these quests, you'll have to visit a range of different Inns across your Faction's capital and use a specific emote to receive candy. Here is a list of Inns and the emote you'll have to perform:





Ironforge Mint

Inkeeper FirebrewIronforge


Stormwind Nougat

Inkeeper AllisonStormwind


Gnomeregan Gumdrop

Talvash del KisselIronforge


Darnassus Marzipan

Innkeeper SaelienneDarnassus






Undercity Mint

Inkeeper NormanUndercity


Ogrimmar Nougat

Innkeeper GryshkaOrgrimmar


Darkspear Gumdrop

Kali RemikDurotar


Thunder Bluff Marzipan

Innkeeper PalaThunder Bluff



  • The Power of Pine

Alliance players should talk to Sergeant Hartman in Southshore, located in Hillsbrad Foothills. All you have to do is use Stink Bomb Cleaners to clean up the stink bombs scattered around Southshore.


  • Stinking Up Southshore

Horde players should talk to Darkcaller Yanka in Tirisfal Glades. She will send you to Hillsbrad Foothills with the goal of throwing 3 Forsaken Stink Bombs at Southshore. As it is an Alliance town, make sure you don't make the trip alone!


  • Crashing the Wickerman Festival

This quest is only available to Alliance players, who should talk to Sergeant Hartman in Southshore, located in Hillsbrad Foothills. To complete this quest, all you have to do is catch a quick glimpse of the festival in Tirisfal Glades, next to Undercity.


  • Rotten Eggs

Only Horde players can accept this quest, as they'll need to talk to Darkcaller Yanka in Tirisfal Glades. She will send you to Southshore, in Hillsbrad Foothills, where you will have to put Rotten Eggs in the main keg inside the Inn. As it is an Alliance town, you'll have to do this quest in a group!


  • Rotten Eggs

This quest is only available to Horde players who have finished the Rotten Eggs quest. You can start this quest from the main brew keg in Southshore Inn, in Hillsbrad Foothills, and all you need to do is to return to Darkcaller Yanka in Tirisfal Glades.


Chef des portails WoW Shadowlands, WoW Classic, Burning Crusade Classic et Lost Ark. J'aime tous les MMO, sauf ceux que je n'ai pas cités dans cette signature.

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