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FUT 20: Flashback Juan Mata SBC, Solutions to the SBC

FUT 20: Flashback Juan Mata SBC, Solutions to the SBC

In this article, we show you the cheapest soultion for the flashback Juan Mata squad building challenge.

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The flashback squad building challenges are back! This time, Manchester United midfielder Juan Mata gets a flashback card that can be acquired through these SBCs. The stats of this card reflect his 2012/13 season at Chelsea.

Here are the solutions to this special card.

The Beginnings

An electrum player pack can be earned from this SBC.

≈ 120,000 coins

≈ 122,000 coins

≈ 130,000 coins

For the first SBC, you must use at least one player from La Liga and the team must reach a chemistry level of 75 and an overall of 84.

Premier League

A rare electrum players pack can be earned from this SBC.

≈ 71,000 coins

≈ 78,000 coins

≈ 78,000 coins

For the second and final SBC, your squad mus reach a chemistry level of 70, an overall of 85 and must contain at least one player from the Premier League.

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