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LoL Guide, Build for Camille, Top, S10

LoL Guide, Build for Camille, Top, S10

Camille Top League of Legends Season 10 Guide - Check out our tips, items and runes to play the Steel Shadow.

LoL Guide, Build for Camille, Top, S10


League of Legends


Early game

Start with Doran's Blade to overpower your opponent. You can also pick Doran's Shield in case of a delicate match-up.


  • Choose the Mercury Treads when you fear a match-up with heavy magic damage and a lot of crowd controls.
  • The Ninja Tabi, on the other hand, are good against physical damage.

Core Items

  • Your first complete object will be Trinity Force: the passive of Sheen couples with your Q. However, make a Tiamat as soon as possible to get more damage and to be able to push your lane.
  • After finishing your first item, finish Ravenous Hydra if you think you can afford to splitpush through this game while your team puts pressure on another lane, or Titanic Hydra if you're going to have to teamfight.
  • Finally, finish your core build with Sterak's Gage and Guardian Angel.

Situational Items

  • When faced with magical damage, choose Spirit Visage, which will give you a little CDR and better sustain.
  • Randuin's Omen is ideal when dealing with a composition based on physical damage.

How to play Camille?

Camille is a fighter who doesn't have one of the best early game, but who scales very high in mid game when she gets Trinity Force and Titanic / Ravenous Hydra. She is capable of both splitpush alone, and teamfight with her ability to isolate a carry and disrupt the opponent's organization, depending on the needs of the game.

  • Level 1: Take Q - Precision Protocol if you can afford to trade at level 1. Otherwise, take W - Tactical Sweep for poke and sustain.
  • Level 2: Play passively while waiting for your level 3.
  • Level 3: In possession of your 3 spells, you can easily place W - Tactical Sweep with E - Hookshot, to slow down your opponent, inflict damage and easily place the 2 shots of Q - Precision Protocol.



Tips & Tricks

  • Q - Precision Protocol resets your base attack.
  • You can jump to a target on the other side of a wall with E - Wall Dive.
  • The target trapped in R - Hextech Ultimatum has no way to escape and suffers additional magic damage.
  • If you leave the area created by R - Hextech Ultimatum, it will disappear.
  • W - Tactical Sweep only returns health points if you hit enemies in the outer part of the cone.
  • If you wait 1.5 seconds to use the second enhanced base attack of Q - Precision Protocol, it will inflict additional, raw damage.
  • You can launch W - Tactical Sweep during E - Hookshot.
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