Early Game
- Corrupting potion allows Irelia to stay in lane longer even with the high mana cost of her spells.
- Ninja Tabi are ideal againt AD damage.
- Mercury's Treads might be used when AP damage is dominant on the enemy side
Core items
- Tiamat and Sheen are the two items you should try to get as soon as possible. They help farming and clearing waves very quicly with Irelia's Q - Bladesurge.
- Trinity Force is mendatory on Irelia. On top of its great stats the item keep the passive from the Sheen augmenting Irelia's damage via her Q - Bladesurge.
- Titanic Hydra enhance both your farming and teamfight damage on top of an auto attack reset when using its active ability.
- Sterak's Gage is a great damage income and will provide you plenty of tankiness thanks to the shield from its passive.
Situational Items
- Randuin's Omen is a very good item if you need armor. This item's passive allows you slow nearby enemies during a teamfight.
- Spirit Visage is a good choice if the enemy team is more AP oriented since it provides you with both survability and magic resistance.
- Wit's End is an other option againts an AP oriented team. Giving to Irelia both heal on hit and magic resistance in addition of more damage.
- Guardian Angel will allow you to engage for your team and win some time while they follow-up.
Playing Irelia
Irelia is a scaling champion able to excel at both teamfighting thanks to her damage and AOE skills and at splitpushing using her very unique wave clear.
- Level 1: Q - Bladesurge will let you both farm with an easy last-hit on creeps but also stack your passive giving Irelia a good chance to in early trades against a level 1 enemy.
- Level 2: E - Flawless Duet gives Irelia an easy engage tool but also a chance to escape from granks.
- Level 3: W - Defiant Dance is a great tool to reduce the impact of a crowdcontrol or heavy damage while trading againt your oponent.
Tips & Tricks
- Try to keep your passive Ionian Fervor up to benefit from a damage and attack speed bonus.
- You can use a low health creep to surprise your oponenent with a double Q - Bladesurge.
- Q - Bladesurge applies on-hit effects like the bonus damage from Sheen.
- W - Defiant Dance can mitigate burst damage like Syndra's ultimate.
- The longer you charge W - Defiant Dance the higher the damage.
- E - Flawless Duet add a mark on enemies. Using Q - Bladesurge on a marked target will reset Q - Bladesurge cooldown.
- You can use both Flash or Q - Bladesurge to cast E - Flawless Duet on a longer distance.
- R - Vanguard's Edge add a mark on any enemy it hits, ideal in the middle of a teamfight.