Guide LoL Irelia, Mid, S10

How to play Irelia in the Mid Lane in League of Legends. Discover our tips to play the Blade Dancer, wich costs 4800 Blue Essence

Guide LoL Irelia, Mid, S10


League of Legends

Early Game

  • Corrupting potion allows Irelia to stay in lane longer even with the high mana cost of her spells.


  • Ninja Tabi are ideal againt AD damage.
  • Mercury's Treads might be used when AP damage is dominant on the enemy side.

Core Items

  • Tiamat helps farming and clearing waves very quicly with Irelia's Q - Bladesurge.
  • Trinity Force is mendatory on Irelia. On top of its great stats the item keep the passive from the Sheen augmenting Irelia's damage via her Q - Bladesurge.
  • Sterak's Gage is a great damage income and will provide you plenty of tankiness thanks to the shield from its passive.

Situational Items

  • Guardian Angel will allow you to engage for your team and win some time while they follow-up.
  • Titanic Hydra is the upgrade of your Tiamat.
  • Wit's End is an other option againts an AP oriented team. Giving to Irelia both heal on hit and magic resistance in addition of more damage.
  • Dead Man's Plate is a defensive choice and gives you an easier access to the enemies.

Playing Irelia

Irelia has a lot of great tools in the early game. On the other hand, these suffer from her lack of range against most of the mages played Mid.
Starting level 6 though she's able to close that distance thanks to her R - Ionian Edge.

  • Level 1: Q - Bladesurge will let you both farm with an easy last-hit on creeps but also stack your passive giving Irelia a good chance to in early trades against a level 1 enemy.
  • Level 2: Try to create opportunities with your E - Flawless Duet and stun enemies by following with Q - Bladesurge.
  • Level 6: Engaging with R - Ionian Edge to mark your enemies and slow them making a stun with E - Flawless Duet easier.

During a teamfight: use your R - Ionian Edge on a maximum number of targets to become way to mobile for your enemies. Access the carry to inflict more damage and keep your W - Defiant Dance to survive the heaviest bursts.

Teleportation also is an option to be able to splitpush and having an impact closer to a Top Laner.



Tips & Tricks

  • Try to keep your passive Ionian Fervor up to benefit from a damage and attack speed bonus.
  • You can use a low health creep to surprise your oponenent with a double Q - Bladesurge.
  • Q - Bladesurge applies on-hit effects like the bonus damage from Sheen.
  • W - Defiant Dance can mitigate burst damage like Syndra's ultimate.
  • The longer you charge W - Defiant Dance the higher the damage.
  • E - Flawless Duet add a mark on enemies. Using Q - Bladesurge on a marked target will reset Q - Bladesurge cooldown.
  • You can use both Flash or Q - Bladesurge to cast E - Flawless Duet on a longer distance.
  • R - Vanguard's Edge add a mark on any enemy it hits, ideal in the middle of a teamfight.

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