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LoL: Brand Build Guide, Mid S10

LoL: Brand Build Guide, Mid S10

Guide LoL Brand Carry Mid League of Legends season 10 — Discover our tips to play the Burning Vengeance, who costs 4800 Blue Essences.

LoL: Brand Build Guide, Mid S10


League of Legends


Early game

Start the game with Doran's Ring, accompanied by two Healing Potions.


You'll usually take the Sorcerer's Shoes to maximize your damage. You can, however, take the Ninja Tabi against a team dealing heavy physical damage, or the Mercury's Treads when the opposing team has a lot of control and magic damage.

Core Items

  • Luden's Echo offers you Power, Mana and CDR, everything Brand needs.
  • Liandry's Torment synergizes extremely well with your Passive, adding huge damage to your spells over time.

Situational Items

  • Morellonomicon offers you penetration, and most importantly, will reduce adverse care.
  • Zhonya's Hourglass will offer you some armor and will allow you to save yourself from an opponent's burst.
  • Rabadon's Deathcap will drastically increase your power, allowing you to demolish all your targets in a few spells.
  • Finally, Void Staff will give you the magic penetration necessary to pierce the strongest magical resistance.

How to play Brand

Brand's strength lies in his ability to poke the most monstrous poke. At the end of the game, his huge area damage will win most teamfights.

  • Level 1: W - Pillar of Flame will allow you to poke and last hit easily.
  • Level 2: Q - Sear will allow you to stun your opponent, or to significantly increase the damage of W - Pillar of Flame
  • Level 3: With your three spells, you can proc your passive and use different side effects on your spells to inflict maximum damage.

In teamfight:

Brand excels when the opposing team regroups. This allows R - Pyroclasm to bounce several times on enemies allowing E - Conflagration to spread over all enemies. Complete your combo by W - Pillar of Flame which allows Passive - Blaze to explode while inflicting a lot of damage to the opposing team.



Tips & Tricks

  • Enemies affected by your passive will suffer various additional effects when using your spells. Q - Sear will stun the target. W - Pillar of Flame damage will be increased on these targets. E - Conflagration will also hit enemies around your target.
  • R - Pyroclasm will first bounce off targets affected by your passive if they have not yet reached 3 stacks of it.
    Brand's main combo for bursting a target is to use E - Conflagration to ignite the target, before stunning it with Q - Sear and inflicting maximum damage with W - Pillar of Flame
Lyderic Lefebvre

Pirate Enthusiast