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Fortnite ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside

Fortnite ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside

One of the Challenges of the 8-Ball vs Scratch Mission in Fortnite Chapter 2 is to Ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside in different matches. We tell you where to find them in this article.

Fortnite ring the doorbell of a house with an opponent inside

This challenge is part of the 8-Ball vs Scratch Overtime Mission in Fortnite. You'll have to ring the doorbell of a house while an enemy is there, and all of that in three different games. This feature — a bit troll-like to be honest — was integrated into the game months ago and has been the subject of previous challenges. On the new Apollo Island, there is a lot of cities with houses with bells



Retail Row, Holly Hedges and Pleasant Park are the places you'll have to look at.

Here are a few tips to validate this challenge quickly:

  • Of the three cities mentioned above, always aim for the first overflight by the Battle Bus. You'll find more opponents there.
  • Most of your opponents will land on rooftops. As soon as you land, aim for the front door of a house where an opponent has landed and ring the bell if you can!
  • Use solo mode for this challenge.
Fortnite 8-Ball vs Scratch Overtime challenges are available!

Here's everything you need to know about the new Fortnite 8-Ball vs Scratch Mission challenges and rewards.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.