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Fortnite: How the get the mysterious gold coin?

Fortnite: How the get the mysterious gold coin?

We don't know its purpose yet, but a gold coin can be picked up at Weeping Woods. Creative mode players will recognize it.

Fortnite: How the get the mysterious gold coin?

An intriguing gold coin appeared in Fortnite Battle Royale. It looks like a V-Buck in shape, with the famous 'V' inscribed on the front side. We don't yet know what it could be used for. On social networks, theories about it have been going around. Some think it will unlock an exclusive skin, others suggest that it will be a currency to be used on vending machines, in various locations across the map.

Gold coin - Fortnite
Gold coin
Gold coin location - Fortnite
Gold coin location

There are probably others in various hiding places, but one of the gold coins is very easy to find. Just go to Weeping Woods, and break the large painting that dominates the room of the small shed, northwest of the location. You will then immediately have it in your inventory (tab key by default), and you can put it on the floor for better observation.

Return of the vending machines?

Creative fans know that gold coins are used to interact with some of the game mode's vending machines. It is therefore possible that vending machines may arrive on the BR as of an upcoming update. Maybe they will be used to get materials or elite weapons? This idea is supported by some screenshots of players who, since the arrival of this season 2, have seen vending machines on the map.

Vending machine appearing in a flash - Fortnite
Vending machine appearing in a flash

The image above, for example, was revealed by the dataminer Yanteh, shortly after the launch of season 2, and the vending machine can clearly be seen appearing ephemerally. The object could well be linked to the Gold coin!

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Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.