In Valorant lore, Brimstone is an American agent who will ensure that his team is in the best possible situation. His utilitarian and security abilities make him a true commander on the battlefield.
- Incindiary: An incendiary grenade that inflicts damage on the battlefield.
- Stim Beacon: Targets a nearby location to call for an emergency beacon, giving all players who approach it the opportunity to take quick shots.
- Sky Smoke: Use your map to call a cloud of smoke that blocks vision. Click to choose the location and confirm it.
- Orbital Strike: Use your map to choose a location that will deploy air support shots inflicting heavy damage for a few seconds.
Brimstone is a commander who uses incendiary grenades, smoke screen air strikes, and beacons to damage enemies and strengthen allies. His ultimate ability is a laser that destroys anyone who doesn't come out of its beam fast enough.