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Fortnite: Deadpool’s stuffed unicorn location

Fortnite: Deadpool’s stuffed unicorn location

Find Deadpool’s stuffed unicorn is one of the Deadpool's weekly challenges that comes with Chapter 2 Season 2.

Fortnite: Deadpool’s stuffed unicorn location

This season, all Fortnite battle pass owners can access Deadpool's weekly challenges to unlock the Marvel superhero skin. One of the two challenges for the fifth week of the season you'll have to get your hands on Deadpool's favorite stuffed unicorn. This challenge is the first in the weekly series, so to unlock it, you will first need to activate the challenge via Deadpool's computer — located in his hideout.


Once the challenges of the week have been published, return to the lobby and go to the Agents tab. Click on Meowscles and go to his lair. Surprise! The unicorn is right at the foot of the solid gold dumbbells.


All you have to do is click on it to complete the challenge and move on to the next one! Finally, note that Deadpool's challenges are strictly sequential: you must complete them in the right order, according to their release date each week.

Here's what you need to do for the Deadpool Weekly Challenges

Here's everything you need to know about the new Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Deadpool challenges and rewards.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.