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Fortnite: Find Deadpool's Pool Floaty

Fortnite: Find Deadpool's Pool Floaty

Find Deadpool's Pool Floaty is one of the Deadpool's weekly challenges that comes with Chapter 2 Season 2.

Fortnite: Find Deadpool's Pool Floaty

This season, all owners of Fortnite's Battle Pass can access Deadpool's weekly challenges to unlock the skin of the Marvel superhero. Like every week, you will first have to activate your mission from the Deadpool computer, which is in the hidden room, behind the ventilation.


Then, you just need to go to Skye's Room, in the room reserved for Agents. Click on Skye's portrait to access it. Once inside, you will find the Floaty on the ground, prominently at the bottom right of your screen.


It's as simple as that ! You just have to click on the red floaty to advance in the progression of your weekly challenges! Return to the hideout in Deadpool to receive your next crazy mission order!

Find Ollie of the Shadow or Ghost at Weeping Woods or Frenzy Farm

Finding Shadow or Ghost Ollie at Weeping Woods or Frenzy Farm is a challenge in Skye's adventure that will allow you to unlock a variant for the agent's skin.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.