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Fortnite XP Xtravaganza Challenges: Release Slurp into the atmosphere

Fortnite Challenges: Chapter 2, Season 7
Fortnite XP Xtravaganza Challenges: Release Slurp into the atmosphere

Release Slurp into the atmosphere is one of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 XP Xtravaganza Challenges.

Fortnite XP Xtravaganza Challenges: Release Slurp into the atmosphere

This challenge is part of Fortnite Season 4 Week 4 XP Xtravaganza Challenges and you'll have to release Slurp into the atmosphere in five different games.

The title of the challenge may seem confusing to you, but it's all about shattering five times the Slurp containers — the mixture that gives you health or shield. Nothing very complex, since barrels and tanks are located in various places on the map.

Of course, the best place to complete this challenge is Slurpy Swamp. It's in the tanks of this place that the substance is conceived.


Completion Bugs

It would appear that breaking Slurp barrels doesn't always complete the challenge. In this case, try on other containers at other locations or landmarks on the map. 

All container formats will work in principle to complete this challenge. By breaking, the containers release a kind of bluish material into the air.

It would appear that the stages of this challenge are all related to the preparation for the fight against Galactus. The previous challenge required you to use zip lines to recharge Stark Industries' energy. Will Slurp be necessary in the end-of-season event? We'll soon find out.

Slurpy Swamp is likely to be hotly contested between now and the Galactus event. If you're worried about a nasty quarter of an hour on landing, feel free to come back a little later in the game: there will be a few barrels hidden in places most of the time.

You'll also be able to find a few barrels in some landmarks during your games!

Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

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The end of Chapter 2 Season 4 is approaching, and Epic Games has released XP Xtravaganza Challenges Week 14 to allow us to unlock in extremis all the cosmetics that we want in Fortnite.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.