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Fortnite: Collect Gold Bars and claim a new emote

Fortnite: Collect Gold Bars and claim a new emote

You're tasked with collecting 100 Gold bars in this latest challenge, part of the Operation Snowfall festivities in Fortnite Season 5 Chapter 2.

Fortnite: Collect Gold Bars and claim a new emote

Christmas is in the spotlight in Fortnite Season 5 Chapter 2!

Right now and throughout the holiday season, you will have daily access to quests that unlock rewards: Operation Snowfall.

The latest ask you to collect gold bars. Introduced in Season 5, Gold Bars are a new in-game currency that allow you to carry out quests.

Picking up 100 of them will net you the GG Fresh Emoji. 


How to get Gold Bars in Fortnite

There are two ways you can get Gold Bars.

The first and simpler method is simply to play the game. By performing simple actions, such as eliminating opponents or searching chests, you will collect ingots.

The second, and more complex, is via bounty hunts. The steps are as follows:

  • Find an NPC who offers quests or bounty hunts. It can be a character from the Fortnite universe or an announcement board — they are indicated by a speech bubble on the minimap when you're close.
  • Accept a quest or bounty hunt.
  • Quests are simple challenges (such as dealing damage with a certain type of weapon). They generally yield 30 or 35 ingots.
  • Bounty Hunts show you the relative position of a player close to you. It's up to you to find and eliminate them before the time runs out or someone else claims your kill. Bounty hunts are worth 70 gold bars.

Happy hunting everyone!

maxime ricoveri
Maxime Biaggi

Fan d'esport et du SCB