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Fortnite Week 4 Challenge: Tame wildlife in different matches

Fortnite Week 4 Challenge: Tame wildlife in different matches

The challenges for Fortnite Season 6 Week 4 are live. Here’s how to tame wildlife and earn extra XP for your Battle Pass.

Fortnite Week 4 Challenge: Tame wildlife in different matches

This week’s Fortnite challenges are here! You'll need to tame wildlife in three different matches to complete this challenge. 

Where to find wildlife?

  • Dark blue markers indicate Wolves
  • Orange markers indicate Boars


Toads and chickens cannot be tamed. Note that taming raptors is also doable, though their spawns are irregular. We highly recommend the wild boar spawn in the southern enclosure of Colossal Crops .

How to tame animals?

Several techniques exist to tame wildlife. The easiest way is to put on a Hunter's Cloak, which you can craft with a piece of meat and an animal bone – all you have to do is put on the cloak and gently approach the wild animals to tame them.

You can also bait them with food. Wolves are fond of fresh meat: if you throw some near a wolf, you can easily tame it when it approaches the meat.

Wild boars like fruits, vegetables and mushrooms. You can collect these in crates from market gardeners or in the wild, and then throw them near the wild boars. Like wolves, they will then be more docile.

Week 4 Challenge: Shockwave Wildlife Using A Shockwave Grenade Or Bow

The challenges for Fortnite Season 6 Week 4 are live. Here’s how to complete “Shockwave Wildlife Using a Shockwave Grenade or Bow”.


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