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FFXIV 5.55: How to get the new Two-seated Al-iklil Mount

FFXIV 5.55: How to get the new Two-seated Al-iklil Mount

Patch 5.55 of Final Fantasy XIV introduced the new Al-iklil bike mount from Bozja and Zadnor. Here's how to get your mount with the Field notes.

FFXIV 5.55: How to get the new Two-seated Al-iklil Mount

Patch 5.55 brought a lot of new content to Final Fantasy XIV including the new zone: Zadnor. Among the new items and mounts one is a bit special as it is a two-seated flying bike!

The Ali-iklil is one of the rare free two-seated mount joining the Mecha Dragon fusion mount.

FFXIV 5.55 How to unlock Ali-iklil

Ali-iklil might be a free mount but it will not come without efforts as it requires quite a lot of farming and some luck to be honest.

Players will need to complete the "A Complete History". This achievement is unlocked after finishing three other diferent achievements:

  • Annals of War
  • Annals of Archaeology
  • Annals of Liberation
FFXIV 5.55: How to get all Field Records in the Bozjan Southern Front

Collecting every Field Notes in Bozja can be hard. Here is a list of every Field Records and how to get them.

FFXIV 5.55: How to get all Field Records in Zadnor

Collecting every Field Notes in Zadnor sure is worth it. Here is a list of every Field Records and how to get them.

FFXIV Farm Ali-iklil Mount — Field Notes - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Farm Ali-iklil Mount — Field Notes

These three achievements are unlock after successfully gathering every Field Notes from:

  • The Bozjan Southern Front
  • Delubrum Reginae
  • Zadnor

These can get really tricky as the drop rate is not 100% and that some requires to clear Dalriada, Castrum Lacus Litore or duels.

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If you are looking to upgrade your relic after Patch 5.55 of FFXIV here is the quickest way to farm the thirty Lurid Memory of the Dying

Julien bxakid

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