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Adjust the TV while wearing the Fusion outfit in Fortnite: how to complete this challenge

Adjust the TV while wearing the Fusion outfit in Fortnite: how to complete this challenge

Extremely rare thing on Fortnite; one of this season's challenges can only be completed by wearing a very specific skin. And this time it will be the Fusio outfit, which is at Tier 2 of your battle pass.

Adjust the TV while wearing the Fusion outfit in Fortnite: how to complete this challenge

As Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 4 quietly progresses, players have been surprised to discover that a brand new quest requires a specific skin to complete. Indeed, this week, you're going to have to tune a TV while wearing the Fusio outfit, which can be found on page 2 of your Seasonal Battle Pass rewards .

First mandatory step so if you want to tackle this challenge: equip yourself with the Fusio skin!

Where is the TV to be tuned?


To find the TV set to adjust, you will need to go to Lustrous Lagoon, in one of the floors of the high house, indicated by a marker on the map above.

If you have the quest active, the TV set will glow with silver sparkles.

Then you just have to interact with the TV to adjust it, and pocket your rewards.

How to find the Fusio outfit?

In reality, the only real difficulty of this challenge is to identify the Fusio outfit, which is therefore a simple battle pass skin. You will therefore find it at the end of page 2 of the Battle Pass, which implies that you can logically only buy it for stars after reaching level 20 or so.


It is very rare to find Fortnite quests that require you to wear a specific skin to be solved. For the record, the skins of the Battle Pass for this season 4 have also been strongly criticized by the community, who criticized them for being unoriginal and charismatic.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!