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Cyberpunk 2077 Heroes: Jackie's Choice and Motorcycle

Cyberpunk 2077 Heroes: Jackie's Choice and Motorcycle

This Cyberpunk side mission can play out in a number of ways, depending on your choices regarding Jackie's body during the heist. Discover the different possibilities and rewards in this guide, such as the choice of the object for the altar, and the iconic guns.

We can say that the consequences of the mission "The heist" are heavy in Cyberpunk 2077, between the failing state of physical and mental health of V, and the death of his best friend and teammate.

This mission comes in two different versions, depending on the instructions you gave Delamain what to do with Jackie's body.

If Jackie's body was left at Viktor's clinic

  • After V wakes up in his apartment, during the "Playing for Time" mission, a message from this Mama Welles will be received. She reports that a package is at the entrance to your apartment. All you have to do is open the package next to the door to receive the key to Jackie's motorcycle directly, which also unlocks this very practical vehicle.
  • All you have to do is call Mama Welles on the phone, and choose an answer, to complete the quest.

    This is therefore the easiest option to obtain Jackie's motorcycle , since the alternative quest is much longer (and interesting). However, you miss an iconic weapon and other bonuses, not to mention a lot of dialogue.

  • By going to see Viktor afterwards, you can ask him what happened to Jackie's body. You then learn that men from Arasaka have taken it. He doesn't know where the body is now.
  • You can also interrogate Takamura during the recon phase of the Gimme Danger mission to learn more.
Cyberpunk 2077

If Jackie was sent home to her mother, or left in the car

This version of the quest is longer and more rewarding across the board, so it's best to choose this:

  • Once again, you will receive a message from Mama Welles during "Playing for Time". Answer, then call her on the phone. Agree to attend Jackie's wake.
  • Go to Coyote Cojo to speak with Mama. Exit through the back to reach the garage and speak with Misty.
Cyberpunk 2077
  • Inspect the interior of the garage, what particularly interests you is the basketball, Hemingway's book, and the key to Jackie's room.
  • Open the bedroom door, then examine the leather belt and the tequila bottle.
  • The object chosen for the wake is not of great importance, it only changes a few dialogues.
  • Talk to Misty, you can encourage her to participate in the vigil or not . For a slightly more positive result, it is better to encourage him to go there.
Cyberpunk 2077
  • Attend the wake by sitting down. Say a few words about your deceased friend, before placing your offering.
  • Then talk to Mama Welles to receive the keys to Jackie's motorcycle , which will unlock this vehicle.
  • Also, don't forget to inspect the altar to grab Jackie's two iconic pistols: The Chingona Doraga.
  • All you have to do is chat with the guests and get out.
Cyberpunk 2077
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