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LoL, LCS — Clutch Gaming beat TSM to make Worlds 2019!

LoL, LCS — Clutch Gaming beat TSM to make Worlds 2019!

As winners of the Regional Qualifiers, Clutch Gaming booked their tickets to Worlds as the LCS third seed. This comes after Doublelift and Team Liquid snatched a fourth title following five tense games against Cloud9 in the LCS Summer Finals.

For its seventh year of existence, the League of Legends Championship Series brought the ten best North American professional teams to compete in one of the most selective esport scenes.

The Summer Split is now over! After four tensed games, Team Liquid dominated the point breaking game and closed the match scoring 3-2. They snatch their fourth title against Cloud 9 but Nisqy and his teammates can comfort themselves with their qualification for the Worlds as the second seed of the NA Region.

After an incredible Reverse Sweep against TSM, Huni and Clutch Gaming snatches the LCS Seed 3 and book their tickets to Worlds!


Clutch Gaming

3 - 1



Counter Logic Gaming

1 - 3

Clutch Gaming


Team Solo Mid

2 - 3

Clutch Gaming

Worlds 2019 — FunPlus Phoenix are your World Champions!

It's D-Day! The League of Legends Worlds 2019 Grand Finals just ended with the win of FunPlus Phoenix. G2 Esports failed to achieve the Grand Slam, and lost 0-3 while facing the LPL champions.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo