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League of Legends Patch 9.16 — Pantheon rework, champion & rune changes

League of Legends Patch 9.16 — Pantheon rework, champion & rune changes

Get ready for the new patch of League of Legends: Patch 9.16! Pantheon's rework, Rammus' Hextech skin— check it out!

League of Legends Patch 9.16 — Pantheon rework, champion & rune changes

These are the latest changes made on the League of Legends Public Beta Environment: Patch 9.16.

From balancing champions to new skins, discover everything that's new on the Rift!

The Teamfight Tactics 9.16 PBE Patch is available HERE!


Pantheon Champion Update

Pantheon's reworked abilities & stats revealed!

Announced a few months ago, the rework of the Unbreakable Spear was a long-awaited one.

Champion Balance Changes

  • Buffs: Dr. Mundo, Ekko, Fiora, Jax, Kassadin, LeBlanc, Lux, Nocturne, Shen, Singed, Sion, Syndra, Ziggs
  • Balances: Sejuani
  • Nerfs: Azir, Corki, Ezreal, Riven, Sivir, Sylas, Tahm Kench, Yuumi

Rune Changes

  • Inspiration — Biscuit Delivery

**New Skins


  • Dragon Oracle Udyr — 1350 RP
  • Hextech Rammus — 10 Rare Gems


  • New Summoner Icons
  • New loot assets
  • Honor 5 Rewards
PBE - 7/03 Patch: did you say "Ranked"?!

Riot August explained during one of his streams that a Top 4 on Teamfight Tactics will be counted as a win, thus increasing your MMR! Ladies and Gentlemen, TFT's Ranked are live on the PBE along with some new features!

Play Twisted Fate on the PBE!

He's here! Following last week's teaser, Twisted Fate has now joined the board as the 51st piece in Teamfight Tactics!

Written by Charlotte "Cthulhu" Rognant. Translated from French by

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo