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All challenges in Fortnite's The Return Limited-Time Mission

All challenges in Fortnite's The Return Limited-Time Mission

The Return is a limited time mission available during Season 10 of Fortnite.

All challenges in Fortnite's The Return Limited-Time Mission

For week 6 challenges of Fortnite Season 10, "The Return" is a temporary mission with a series of challenges based on your ability to inflict damage and eliminate ennemies.

To facilitate the achievement of some challenges, it is advisable to do them in Team Rumble. You can find a wide range of weapons, walk easily on the map and especially respawn to infinity before the end of a game. If you join a team, you can share missions with them to complete all your challenges faster.


  • Eliminations with a Sniper Rifle (1)
  • Outlast opponents in Solo or Duos mode (150)
  • Deal damage with Scoped weapons to opponents (500)
  • Search Ammo Boxes at Fatal Fields or Lonely Lodge (7)
  • Use different throwable items in a single match (2)
  • Land on top of a Floating Island and a Meteor (2)
  • Visit Loot Lake and Sunny Steps in the same match (2)


  • Complete any objective: 10 Battle Stars
  • Complete any 2 objective: 500 XP
  • Complete any 3 objective: The Return Loading Screen
  • Complete any 4 objective: 10 Battle Stars
  • Complete any 5 objective: 1,000 XP
  • Complete any 6 objective: 10 Battle Stars
  • Complete any 7 objective: 2,000 XP
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Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.