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Fortnite: Fortbyte 81, decryption, location, cactus formation, mountain

Fortnite: Fortbyte 81, decryption, location, cactus formation, mountain

To find Fortbyte number 81 of the decryption challenge, you have to search in broad daylight near a cactus formation on a mountain top. Find it easily with this guide.

To find the Fortbyte number 81 for the decryption challenge, go to the big mountain at the bottom right of the desert where there are 5 cactus. The chip will be waiting for you next to an animal's carcass, but be careful: it will only be collectible during the day. If evening falls when you arrive on the mountain, you will have to wait all night for the chip to be collectible again.

How to get Fortbytes from the decryption challenge

The challenges and Fortbyte locations of the Fortnite Season 9 decryption challenge, as well as the complete list of Fortbytes, are to be found in this article.

Written by Augustin "TheGreatReview" Héliot. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction