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Fortnite: Defeat the Storm King!

Tips & Guides
Fortnite: Defeat the Storm King!

The Storm King LTM has arrived in Fortnite! To defeat this boss, you will have to join forces with other players, inflict damage on the monster's weak points and survive against the hordes of zombies it invokes. Here's our guide to taking it down.

Fortnite: Defeat the Storm King!

Fortnitemares is opening with great fanfare in Fortnite this year, with the release of a brand new game mode called the Storm King.

This is probably the very good surprise of the update. In this purely PVE mode, you'll have to join forces with 19 other players to defeat an extremely strong boss. Your group starts on a little island, in the heart of a devastated Apollo map. It should be noted at the outset that practicing this mode of play is essential to validate the Nightmare mission. Indeed, three challenges concern the Storm King :

  • Damage the weak points of the Storm King
  • Resuscitate crew members while fighting the Storm King
  • Beat the Storm King

Make no mistake about it: this is a tough fight. Prepare for about 20 minutes of intense action, and surround yourself with trigger-happy allies if possible. But above all, ESPECIALLY.... Read the few tips and tricks we've gathered to help you before you dive into the fight of your life!

Tip #1 - landing and start of the fight

You land on the islet, and you will have to find any weapon as soon as possible. Be content with a small amount (a grey weapon), and don't panic: other more powerful weapons will add to your inventory later on. Familiarize yourself with the land, and learn to anticipate the boss' attacks. This one loads a powerful AOE breath in front of him, which must be avoided at all costs. The pink craters allow you to jump very far away and thus to relocate.


Tip #2 - revive your allies!

Don't waste any time. You will have the opportunity to revive your allies, and of course you must do so as soon as possible. Strength comes from unity. Note that you can also take advantage of the new feature of carrying an ally to shelter him, if the boss is preparing to annihilate you. The building materials will allow you to build shelters to have time to revive your companions.


Tip #3 - the weak points

To move on to the next phases of the battle, you will have to inflict a certain number of damage points on the boss by hitting him on his weak points (arm, horn...). Weak points are easy to spot: they shine golden when they are vulnerable. Focus on these weaknesses when you have a window of respite: no allies to revive, no threatening zombies? Fire at will on the boss!


Tip #4 - shoot some zombies!

The boss will generate obelisks with zombies. This is your only viable solution to avoid running out of ammunition and shields. De facto, zombies work in this mode like chests. Kill them for new weapons, and don't forget to destroy their spawns, which contain more powerful weapons.

Tip #5 - rockets and heal!

At the end of the fight, when the boss really starts to get angry, your arsenal must contain certain categories of items. Rocket launchers are essential to clean up large waves of zombies, and quickly regain a lot of life.

Don't forget your healer's equipment either:

  • Cans
  • Bandage Bazooka

These objects are very useful for sustaining while remaining mobile. And your allies will thank you for thinking of them!

Tip #6 - track lap technique

Very quickly, you will realize that mobility is crucial in this mode. The boss will generate more and more devastating AOEs and zombies, which will force you to move all the time. To succeed in the ultimate phase of the fight, the best method is to turn around the boss by draining zombies behind you, which you will regularly shoot with rocket launchers.

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Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.