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Fortnite: Where to find the letter T in the Dockyard Deal loading screen

Fortnite: Where to find the letter T in the Dockyard Deal loading screen

Find the letter T in the Dockyard Deal loading screen is one of the challenges from the Dockyard Deal mission from Fortnite Season 1, Chapter 2.

Fortnite: Where to find the letter T in the Dockyard Deal loading screen

This challenge is part of the Dockyard Deal mission in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1. As every week during this season, you will need to find a hidden letter on the map, once you have validated 8 other challenges of the mission, as well as the affiliated loading screen.

The illustration will be your only clue to find the letter. If you really don't want to squint to look for the little character, we give you below the exact location of the T. All you have to do is grab your glider!

The Map


To find the T, you will have to set sail for the large metal scaffolding overlooking Dirty Docks. It is located just on the platform, at the level of the container suspended by the crane.


To make your task easier, we advise you to do this challenge in Team Rumble mode. You can find a wide range of weapons to defend yourself, but above all, it will be quiet enough to let you walk around on the map. In addition, you will be able to reappear endlessly before the end of the game.

Dockyard Deal Mission challenges are now available!

The challenges, guides and awards for the Dockyard Deal Mission are now available in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.