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Deal damage to opponents by shooting gas pumps in Fortnite "Dockyard Deal" mission

Deal damage to opponents by shooting gas pumps in Fortnite "Dockyard Deal" mission

Damaging opponents by shooting at gas pumps is one of the challenges of the Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1 "Dockyard Deal" mission.

Deal damage to opponents by shooting gas pumps in Fortnite 'Dockyard Deal' mission

This challenge is part of the Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 Dockyard Deal mission and is likely to be the toughest challenge of the week! It will ask you to inflict explosion damage on opponents by shooting at gas pumps. You'll have to generate an explosion with enemies in the vicinity. Fortunately, the bots will be there, because this challenge looks tricky against 'real' players.

The map


The map above shows the locations of the gas stations where the pumps are installed.

If your game does not contain bots, the best tactic might be to place a decoy nearby the pumps (an epic or rare object for example), then ambush your opponent with a sniper rifle to fire into the pumps and blow the player up. This is still difficult to achieve, but it is a valuable solution.


The Team of 20 mode is not necessarily the best way to achieve this challenge. Instead, we recommend the solo line, where you can land directly on the spot and ' book ' the pumps as a place to fight.

Dockyard Deal Mission challenges are now available!

The challenges, guides and awards for the Dockyard Deal Mission are now available in Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 1.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.