LoL Guide: Senna Support S10

Guide Senna Support League of Legends season 10 - Discover our tips to play the Redeemer, who costs 6300 Blue Essences.

LoL Guide: Senna Support S10

Cursed from childhood to be haunted by the supernatural Black Mist, Senna joined a sacred order known as the Sentinels of Light, and fiercely fought back—only to be killed, her soul imprisoned in a lantern by the cruel wraith Thresh. But refusing to lose hope, within the lantern Senna learned to use the Mist, and reemerged to new life, forever changed. Now wielding darkness along with light, Senna seeks to end the Black Mist by turning it against itself—with every blast of her relic weapon, redeeming the souls lost within. (Source: League of Legends' Universe)

Senna is the 146th champion to join League of Legends. You'll find below our dedicated guide to her!

Cheat Sheet

Senna Support Build - League of Legends
Senna Support Build

Recommended Build

Senna is an atypical support that is also played as an ADC. Items allowing to increase her AD, will be more effective on her. Be careful, however, Senna's passive slows down her attack speed, and works better with items that increase lethality such as Duskblade of Draktharr.


Thanks to its range and spells, Senna can easily poke her enemies, making the Spectral Sickel the best support item to collect money at the beginning of the game.


  • Berserker's Greaves will allow you to kite your enemies and escape your assailants.
  • Ninja Tabi and Mercury's Treads are to be preferred if you think you are in danger from an enemy champion.

Core items:

  • Black Mist Scythe will allow you to ward and will give you AD and HP.
  • Umbral Glaive allows you to regain the vision of an area very quickly. In addition, the item gives you lethality.
  • Duskblade of Draktharr and Youmuu's Ghostblade will further enhance your burst to make you an assassin.

Situational Items:

  • Mercurial Scimitar: allows you to escape if you are hit by crowd control. You can't do any damage or heal your allies if you're dead!
  • Infinity Edge: Synergizes particularly well with Passive: Absolution that increases the chances of inflicting a critical strike, and Senna's AD.
  • If your allies need peeling and not damage, choose support items such as Redemption and Ardent Censer. Beware, the gameplay is not the same at all: you are no longer an assassin in the strict sense of the word, but a support that must protect your carry.

How to Play Senna?

Senna is a very special champion, oscillating between the role of carry and that of support. You must pay attention to its positioning in order to optimize your damage while caring for and providing shields to your allies. If Senna can have some difficulties against an aggressive botlane, her damage, on the other hand, is unequalled for a support champion at the end of the game.


  • Level 1: Q — Piercing Darkness allows you to poke your opponents while healing your ally. Take advantage of your range superiority to gain gold with your support item.
  • Level 2: W — Last Embrace roots your target allowing your carry to inflict damage without endangering itself.
  • Level 3: E — Curse of the Black Mist is the most singular spell in Senna's kit. It allows Senna and all her allies entering the area to be camouflaged. This spell allows you to escape and save your carry, giving you more opportunities to trade in bot.
  • Level 6: R — Dawning Shadow is a global spell that inflicts damage to enemies and shields allies from the ray. Constantly watch the other lanes for kills, assistance, or simply to save an ally. This spell can change the course of a game.

Senna is most effective when she positions herself behind her carry, in order to heal him while dealing damage with her Q and self-attacks. If your carry is in danger, use E to escort it safely out of reach of your opponents.


During team fights, Senna is more like an ADC than a Support: constantly self-attack and use your spells as often as possible to maximize your damage. However, always keep an eye on your allies to keep them alive with your Q or your R. Your basic attacks reduce the cooldown of your Q: the more you attack, the more you can increase your team's chances of survival.



Tips and Tricks

  • Her Passive has no maximum limit. If you exceed 100% crit. chance, part of the excess offered by the passive is transformed into lifesteal.
  • Her Q can target wards, allied champions and enemy turrets.
  • Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of her Q.
  • The range of Senna's Q increases along with her self-attack range.
  • Her E makes your allies invisible, making it an excellent tool to facilitate the ganks of your jungle, or to spread confusion among enemy ranks during a teamfight.
  • Her R only inflicts damage to enemies caught in the middle of the spell.

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