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Fortnite Guide: Save yourself from fall damage by landing in a Hideout

Fortnite Guide: Save yourself from fall damage by landing in a Hideout

One of the Challenges of the Trick Shot Mission in Fortnite Chapter 2 is to save yourself from fall damage by landing in a Hideout.

Fortnite Guide: Save yourself from fall damage by landing in a Hideout

This challenge is part of the Trick Shot mission in Chapter 2, Season 1 of Fortnite. It requires you to avoid damage from falling, by making sure you land in a Hideout.

This is a challenge that will require preparation, which is difficult during a serious game. Despite hiding places being numerous on Apollo, falling into one of them inadvertently is rare.


You can enter a Hideout by interacting normally with it (using the default E key) or by jumping into it. This second option is what this challenge entails.

The strategy here is to build a ramp or tower high enough that you'd normally take fall damage, and then jumping into the Hideout.


The map is full of Hideouts, but we recommend two spots where they are concentrated:

  • Frenzy Farm — hay bales in abundance!
  • Craggy Cliffs — many dumpsters near the beach and docks
Trick Shot mission Challenges and Rewards

Here's everything you need to know about Trick Shot, the new Fortnite mission: guides, challenges and rewards.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.