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Fortnite Winterfest 2019: all the information and dates of the Christmas event

Fortnite Winterfest 2019: all the information and dates of the Christmas event

The Winterfest is finally starting in Fortnite. Challenges, new lobby, daily gifts and challenges... Discover everything you need to know about the great winter celebration that will close 2019.

Fortnite Winterfest 2019: all the information and dates of the Christmas event

It took time, but it's finally here. The great Fortnite Winterfest — previously 14 Days of Christmas — has arrived and every day brings you its share of surprises.

Winterfest Presents

Drop in the in-game lobby to see a brand new snowflake tab. By clicking on it, you’ll be taken to the Winterfest Lodge.

Every day for 14 days, you may unwrap a new Present at the Lodge. Inside are two Outfits, two Gliders, two Pickaxes, two Wraps, one Emote, and more — all exclusive to this years’ Winterfest!


You might be wondering: how do I get all the things? Just prepare your shaking and guessing skills — the Presents are free for everyone to open. The Lodge is full of Presents, and each day you can return and unwrap a new one. If you miss any days, simply come back before January 7 to open them up.

Check your stocking for Winterfest challenges

Don’t forget the stocking stuffers! Hanging on the fireplace of the Winterfest Lodge is a stocking full of more rewards to unlock. Check your stocking each day to get a new Challenge that you can complete for rewards and XP. And as with the Presents, don’t worry if you miss a day — visit the stocking before January 7 and grab all the goodies waiting for you.

Home for the holidays: unvaulted weapons and returning LTMS

If you’re feeling nostalgic this holiday season, no need to sit and reminisce: we’re unvaulting lots of weapons during Winterfest! Also, each day from December 18 to January 2, you’ll be greeted with some of your favorite LTMs, including Wick’s Bounty, Arsenal, and more. Plus, Zone Wars will be running throughout the holidays!

All Fortnite Winterfest 2019 challenges and rewards

The daily challenges, guides and rewards of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 Winterfest are now available. This series of challenges was better known last year as the Fortnite 14 Days of Christmas.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.