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What's new with TFT's Set 3 Galaxies?

What's new with TFT's Set 3 Galaxies?

New arenas, new Little Legends, new Ranked rewards — Teamfight Tactics is once again changing. In addition to these, Set3 will introduce a brand new content: the Booms!

What's new with TFT's Set 3 Galaxies?

With Galaxies, Teamfight Tactics is going to change, just like it did with Rise of the Elements. Get ready to re-learn how to play, because things changed — a lot.

First of all, the Elemental Hexes will be replaced by a new core mechanic: the Galaxies. You'll also have the possibility to unlock rewards thanks to two different battle passes, one being free and the other costing 1350 RP.

However, Set 3 is bringing much more content than we could have expected.


Have you ever dream to customize particle effects? It's now possible thanks to this new cosmetic!

"Booms modify the damage particles of your Little Legend and units. They come in three tiers of increasing impact and style."

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Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics

Ranked Rewards

At the end of Season 9, players received some emotes as a reward for their commitment in the Ranked Queue — but let's face it, it felt pretty light in comparison to the unique and exclusive skins that you can obtain from the same achievement in League of Legends.

From now on, each set will offer a special variation of a Little Legend specific to that set, and players will have the chance to unlock it thanks to their rank.

Teamfight Tactics

Only players ranked Gold or higher this season will be eligible for these rewards. Riot Games is also offering one for Rise of the Elements and one retroactively for TFT's first-ever ranked season!

New Arenas

Thanks to feedback from players, including Freljord, Riot Games made some changes and hope to have created more immersive arenas that will truly feel like visiting the Dark Star universe.

Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics

Each of these arenas will be available for purchase at 1380 RP. You'll also have the possibility to buy the bundle including them for 2900 RP.

Little Legends


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Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics


Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics


Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics

With this ton of new cosmetics, Teamfight Tactics might look like a completely new game!

If you already want to theorycraft the best compositions of this upcoming update, then check our guide below!

Set 3: How to play Galaxies on the PBE

Teamfight Tactics' set 3 was just sent for testing to the PBE! Wondering how you can try it out? We got you covered.

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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Discover guides

Patch 10.16 ready: Galaxies Items & Builds Cheat Sheet
10.5 Ready: Rise of the Elements Items & Builds Cheat Sheet
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