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Valorant: How to access the Beta

Valorant: How to access the Beta

You've been waiting for it: the Valorant Beta has arrived. No key required this time, you'll just have to link your Riot account to your Twitch account and get lucky while watching content creators.

Valorant: How to access the Beta

The Valorant beta has finally been announced, and the first gameplay videos and streams for the new Riot Games FPS will arrive on April 7.

Much awaited by the community, it will be "limited to players from Europe, Canada, Russia, Turkey and the United States" even if Riot doesn't exclude to extend the beta to other regions according to "the developments of the COVID-19 pandemic". You're probably wondering how to get access to this beta? Well, it's very simple.

You'll be able to get beta keys by following your favorite streamers. You'll need to link your Twitch account to your Riot Games account. "When closed beta activates in your region, watch specific Valorant streams highlighted on Twitch for the opportunity to be entitled for closed beta access," explains Riot — who is collaborating on this beta event with the streaming platform.

How do I link my Riot account to my Twitch account?

  1. You must have a Riot Games account You can create one here.
  2. Combine your two accounts. To do this, go to your Twitch account settings, login section and connect to your Riot account.
  3. You will then need to be lucky to get a beta key by following the streams of influencers promoted by Riot Games.

Be careful where the keys come from. There will be many scams taking place in the coming days and many malicious people will try to use people's hopes to extort money or personal information from them.

If you don't have access to the beta...

You can always read our different articles about Valorant to prepare your knowledge of the different agents and maps.

Everything we know about Valorant so far

There is a lot of information to know about Valorant — previously known as Project A. Agents, weapons, abilities, previews, and in-game videos are gathered, so you can navigate your way through it.

Valorant: First look of Haven with an interactive map by offers a first improved version of Haven based on the in-game minimap. This map offers gives players a chance to familiarize themselves with it before they can even play Valorant.

Benoit Pinot

Disons que je chapeaute un peu tout ce qui est World of Warcraft, Dofus et Star Citizen sur le territoire Levalloisien.