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LoL Summer Split 2020: The LEC and LCS return in June!

LoL Summer Split 2020: The LEC and LCS return in June!

The Spring Split just ended with victories for Cloud9 and G2 Esports, meaning it's now time to look forward to the next part of the season! Get ready — the action resumes on June 12 and 13.

LoL Summer Split 2020: The LEC and LCS return in June!

As the Spring Split ends, the League of Legends esports scene is now getting ready to enter the second segment of the 2020 season!

Both in Europe with the LEC and in North America with the LCS, last week Playoffs led G2 Esports and Cloud9 on the top of their respective regions.

LCS Spring Split 2020 Playoffs: Cloud9 are your LCS Spring Split champions!

Cloud9 proved they were the best LCS team, defeating FlyQuest in a clean sweep. It also meant they ended Playoffs with just two losses on their record.

LEC Spring Split Playoffs: G2 Esports dominate to win their seventh LEC title

In a series clean sweep, G2 Esports stomped Fnatic to become the Spring Split League of Legends European champions!

However, with the MSI cancelled amid the coronavirus outbreak, this Spring Split sadly won't offer them the opportunity to shine on the international stage — which means the Summer Split will be all the more important.

On June 13, the League of Legends Championship Series will resume with a new schedule!

Four LCS games will be played each Saturday and Sunday, starting at 1:00 PM PST, and two on Monday, at 5:00 PM PST.

As an introduction to the Summer Split, Cloud9 and FlyQuest will open the dance with a Spring Finals rematch!

On the other side of the Atlantic, the LEC will also resume with the Summer Split on June 12!

This split will include two super weeks (Week 1 and Week 8), with games from Friday to Sunday. There will also be two one-week breaks at the end of the first Round Robin (Week 4) then before the Playoffs (after Week 8).

League of Legends

Riot Games is planning a more flexible schedule in order to be able to adapt to potential unforeseen events.

The finals, originally scheduled for 28-29 August 2020 in Malmö, Sweden, will be held on 5-6 September (the finals of the European Masters will also be staggered so as not to encroach on the end of the Split). For the time being, Riot Games hopes to keep the event in Sweden.

Whether it's for the LEC or the LCS, the countdown is on!

The competition resumes in a month and a half, but by then the off-season is already in full swing. Exchanges, transfers, purchases, and contract buy-backs — organizations have already started to move their pawns forward to form the best possible roster and ensure qualification for 2020 Worlds.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo