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LoL, 2020 LCS Summer Split: Tactical promoted from Academy to LCS

LoL, 2020 LCS Summer Split: Tactical promoted from Academy to LCS

Following Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng's departure to Team SoloMid, Team Liquid had to fill the open-spot: they choose Edward "Tactical" Ra as their starting ADC for the upcoming split.

LoL, 2020 LCS Summer Split: Tactical promoted from Academy to LCS

Last week, Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng left Team Liquid to re-join his former organization, Team SoloMid. As a consequence, Liquid decided to promote Edward "Tactical" Ra from their Academy roster to the League of Legends Championship Series stage.

During Week 7, the young ADC had step-in to replace Doublelift who was benched due to motivation issues — and Liquid actually played two of the best games of their split. It remains to be seen if the rookie will manage to adapt to the upper stage, but this promotion is without a doubt promising.

Team Liquid also announced that Head Coach Jang "Cain" Nu-ri will move from his current position to that of Strategic Coach instead. As a consequence, the organization is currently looking for a Head Coach for their roster...

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo