As seen on Reddit and the video below, a new bug has been noticed in Valorant. This time it concerns Sage and her wall, usually composed of four blocks. To reproduce this bug, all you have to do is to launchher Barrier Orb in the same place as on the video — in the middle of Split.
It's a strategically important location because if a wall is placed there, it forces opponents to retreat, change their plan of attack, or destroy it. In any case, it's a significant waste of time that will inevitably be useful to the defensive team.
On the other hand, if the wall is thrown on top of the stairs, the last block doesn't even appear, and leaves a gaping hole that will let the opponents rush in. The whole defensive strategy is cancelled.
No doubt that Riot Games will react quickly, since it seems obvious that it's not something wanted by the devs. This may be the case with the next patch that will be deployed this week.
Original content by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis.