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LoL: Team Vitality reveal new LEC roster for Summer Split 2020

LEC: League of Legends European Championship
LoL: Team Vitality reveal new LEC roster for Summer Split 2020

One month before competition resumes, the French organization announced its new line-up for the upcoming Summer Split 2020, only bringing some minor changes compared to the first split.

LoL: Team Vitality reveal new LEC roster for Summer Split 2020

Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

Via a press release, French organization Team Vitality just announced their future League of Legends roster for the upcoming LEC Summer Split. Despite ending the previous segment in the last position, with only two victories to their record, they only made minor changes to their roster.

Nothing changes on solo lanes: Lucas "Cabochard" Simon-Meslet will remain in the top, and Aljoša "Milica" Kovandžić in the midlane. The team neither changed its ADC, Markos "Comp" Stamkopoulos, but rather its jungler, Duncan "Skeanz" Marquet.

The French player rejoined Vitality.Bee, the Academy roster involved in the French League. He actually traded his spot with Cantoursna "Nji" An, who was promoted from this same roster to the LEC stage.

However, the real novelty is the recruitment of Greek player Labros "labrov" Papoutsakis as Support to replace Jakub "Jactroll" Skurzyński — who will be his substitute.

Lucas “Cabochard” Simon-Meslet

Cantoursna "Nji" An

Aljoša “Milica” Kovandžić

Markos "Comp" Stamkopoulos

Labros "labrov" Papoutsakis

Jakub "Jactroll" Skurzyński (Sub)

“Team Vitality is fully dedicated to forging the best esports athletes in the world and it was clear following the LEC Spring Split that changes needed to be made to ensure our players can reach their full potential,” said Fabien “Neo” Devide, President & Co-Founder, Team Vitality. “We have undertaken a rigorous selection process to source the best possible rosters and to secure new international talent, and we look forward to seeing how the new teams will perform together.”

It remains to be seen if the changes brought by Team Vitality to their League of Legends roster will help them secure more wins in the upcoming Split...

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Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo