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Fortnite: new season leak, icon revealed by mistake on PlayStation Store

Fortnite: new season leak, icon revealed by mistake on PlayStation Store

Doomsday is about to begin! The PlayStation Store mistakenly leaked the icon for the upcoming Fortnite Season 3. It shows the famous battle bus with the sea in the background.

Fortnite: new season leak, icon revealed by mistake on PlayStation Store

If some still had doubts, this is a final clue that water will play an even more important role than before in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3, scheduled for June 11. This morning, it was the PlayStation Store itself that made a mistake by revealing the game icon in advance.


In this picture, you can see the famous battle bus flying over a large sea area, with a small island and some palm trees in the distance. Countless clusters of clues point to a possible flooding of the map with the beginning of Season 3. Dataminers have discovered strange files on sharks, underwater swimming, and much more.

It was the Italian App Store that was responsible for one of the biggest leaks regarding the arrival of Fortnite Chapter 2 in October 2019. The theory of a new island appearing that had nothing to do with the old one had been confirmed at the time.


As for the leak in Season 3, it's possible that the PlayStation Store may have failed to reparameterise the store due to multiple delays in the release of the Season 3.

In Fortnite, the game icons change with the seasons and are visible from shops or game selection menus on many platforms. Each time, they give a taste of the central theme and tone of the season, despite their very small size.

Original content by Romain "Zorg" Becquelin.

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Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

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