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LCS Summer Split: Dignitas recruits JayJ

LCS Summer Split: Dignitas recruits JayJ

Dignitas continues to recruit for the LCS Summer Split 2020. It's JayJ's turn, from FlyQuest Academy to join the team.

LCS Summer Split: Dignitas recruits JayJ

Dignitas continues its restructuring for the LCS Summer Split. After welcoming Joshua " Dardoch " Hartnett and Omran " V1per " Shoura, the team adds a new player to its roster, Juan " JayJ " Guibert, former support of FlyQuest Academy. He is to replace Kim " Olleh " Joo-sung.

Dignitas finds itself with two supports for the summer segment, Zaqueri " aphromoo " Black and JayJ.

As a reminder, Dignitas had narrowly failed to qualify for the 2020 Spring Split Playoffs, finishing in seventh place in the regular season after tiebreakers. So let's meet on June 12 for the first game of the summer segment, 100 Thieves vs Evil Geniuses.

Original content by "Cthulhu".

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!